One of two chicks died


Jan 25, 2015
We got 2 2-month- old chicks from the feed store and we are 2 weeks in to our quarantine from our other hens. Just found one had passed. Should I be concerned? What do I do?
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I'm sorry for your loss.
Did the dead bird show any obvious symptoms of disease (discharge, swelling, lack of appetite, etc.)? The new birds may have some sort of disease (in which case you would need to worry), or it may simply have been a fluke occurrence. Sometimes, chickens just die for no apparent reason.
Welcome to BYC!

I'm sorry to hear about your chick!
If the other one is acting normal, it may have just been a fluke occurrence. I've had a couple chicks die for no apparent reason.
It didn't seem that there was a problem. Should I start the 4 week quarantine over again? I feel badly because now she's all alone without her Buddy while she waits to go in with my big girls.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry for your loss. X2, If it has only been two weeks and the feed store still has more I would get another her age and start the quarantine over.

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