One silkie, two silkie, three silkie, four...

they make my heart pitter patter!
You're welcome.

They're just such sweet babies. I sat at the brooder for about an hour last night holding each one in the palm of my hand and talking to them. The all would hunker down and softly chirp back to me. The little blue whatever-she-is even fell asleep. It was about the sweetest thing ever.

About the time that I decide to move everyone outside because I can't stand the dust and mess, they do something sweet. Sigh.
I know! Believe me, I know!!
I'm saving up for another coop, since the big guy refuses to go thru the nightmare that was the first coop building.
The little brown chick I think is an OEGB. I haven't the faintest idea what the blue would be. So far no one on here has been able to identify her. I was going to wait until she was older and try again.

They are all TSC chicks which I think means they came from Privett. Theoretically they are all bantums, although the blue is an awfully big bantum.

She's a mystery. A cute mystery, but a mystery nevertheless.
I have to wait till may 25 for my chicks! looking at these makes it very hard they are awsome. I don't think I can wait! tick tock ticktock ticktock Time is draging.

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