\~ * >One Will Reign< * ~/ a wild horse role-play

(Here are some of the characters that have already been rped with, cluck...)
(Mountain herd)~ Smoke picked his way up the narrow path to Flat-peak, leading the two elders and Twilight behind him. "You got it, Cala?" he called back to his aunt.

"What do you think I am, a 2 day old filly? I practically made this path" Winu-cala snorted.

Shimmer tripped on a branch.
Twilight paused to sip from the spring at the base of Flatpeak before springing up the mountain after Shimmer.
Chumani dozed beneath Black Pine, while Bluebird suckled.
Lily side-stepped down a steep cliff, eyeing the bright green grass by the river beneath her.
(valley herd) ~ Misae romped in Sun-soak field with Hinto. "Come on, let's race!" she whinnied, and took off across the valley.
Hinto snorted, but sprinted after her, catching her and passing her quickly and easily. He reached the other side of the trees and spun around on his haunches. "I win" he said with mock pride.
Misase cantered up to him, her tail flagged and her eyes bright. "But do you have enough energy to get back?" she teased as she did a perfect pirouette and galloped back.
(Gang herd)
Flood grazed in a thick grove of willows beside a small pond, his ears pricked warily, listening for the slightest hint of a herd horse.
Waganeeska stood at the edge of a cliff, his head lowered as he overlooked a valley. Far below in the distance that divided him from the flat plains was a herd of horses. He recognized it's leader, a stallion he had fought and defeated more than once. He blew a warm breath from his nostrils with the eagerness to challenge the stallion again, but slowly turned and pranced towards a boarder of bushes that sprung up from the dry earth, dividing the flat land from the steep in incline. Passing the bushes Waganeeska scented the air before traveling the direction opposite of the herd.

Agapios trotted over to Night-Mare and turned sideways, revealing a gash in his front leg. He cleared his throat "it seems as though I have a tear in my Leg." He spoke calmly.

Night-Mare shook her head in disbelief " No, it seems as though you weren't being careful." She corrected him as she took care of his wound " I can't believe that you run through the forest every day but yet you still manage to come back with some kind of injury. I bet it's because you're trying to impress Swift."

Inferno galloped confidently around the herd's camp, snorting at all the happy horses.
(Mountain herd)~ Smoke picked his way up the narrow path to Flat-peak, leading the two elders and Twilight behind him. "You got it, Cala?" he called back to his aunt.

"What do you think I am, a 2 day old filly? I practically made this path" Winu-cala snorted.

Shimmer tripped on a branch.
Twilight paused to sip from the spring at the base of Flatpeak before springing up the mountain after Shimmer.
Chumani dozed beneath Black Pine, while Bluebird suckled.
Lily side-stepped down a steep cliff, eyeing the bright green grass by the river beneath her.
(valley herd) ~ Misae romped in Sun-soak field with Hinto. "Come on, let's race!" she whinnied, and took off across the valley.
Hinto snorted, but sprinted after her, catching her and passing her quickly and easily. He reached the other side of the trees and spun around on his haunches. "I win" he said with mock pride.
Misase cantered up to him, her tail flagged and her eyes bright. "But do you have enough energy to get back?" she teased as she did a perfect pirouette and galloped back.
(Gang herd)
Flood grazed in a thick grove of willows beside a small pond, his ears pricked warily, listening for the slightest hint of a herd horse.

(Mountain Herd):

~Zitkala stood at the flattest, but highest, point of Flat-peak, her chestnut coat shining brilliantly in the noon sun. The gorgeous mare was at her best right now: emotionally, physically, and mentally. She was just passing by the raw prime of her life. Her flowing mane swirled like a turbulent, lightened sea of grass and her tail was arched high in a proud flag. "Come on, Makawi!" she encouraged, her voice traveling down the ascending path like a resounding breeze.~

~Makawi glared at Zitkala and made a blatant point to climb the path even slower.~

~Hazel nudged her little sister good-naturedly, then shoved past her, and galloped up to the flat plateau to join her magnificent mother.~

(Valley Herd):

~Paytah grazed at the very edge of Sun-soak Field, his dark eyes twinkling with laughter at the Yearling and Teacher's carefree antics. Misae was a very promising young mare, Paytah noted, and she could very well have a great destiny lain out before her. Paytah swished his tail a few times, feigning complete indifference, but really the sage leader was listening to every whinny of their's. He let out a great sigh and steadily chewed a mouthful of the beloved sweet grass for which this meadow was known.~
~Hawk wandered around the edges of Sun-grass Field, his mind occupied on something he didn't even know what.~

~Like a tawny shadow of deadly precision, Otaktay came up silently beside Flood. The wiley burro traced the indifferent young stallion's gaze for a few moments before actually letting Flood in on the hilarious secret that Otaktay was standing beside him completely unbeknownst. "Hello, Flood," he brayed and couldn't help but crack a smirk as Flood visibly jumped.~
(SHOOTINGSTARS!!!!!!!! :he :mad: :rant :he I still haven't made Ash, Ivy, Blizzard Cloud, or Kimimela.... doing them as SOON AS I WAKE UP!!!! :p)


Winu-cala turned to watch Malawi climb up the narrow path. "C'mon, filly" she snorted, "you aren't gonna let your sister beat you up, now are you?" She called, appealing to Malawi's competitive side.

Misae pranced around the edge of the field, lifting her legs, head, and tail high.
"If you're going to show off" Hinto whinnied, "learn to make it seem natural. Gives you a stronger reputation." He trotted over to Paytah. "Greetings" he said, leveling his head with his leader's.

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