\~ * >One Will Reign< * ~/ a wild horse role-play

Name: Sintemaza ("Iron Tail"' in Sioux)
Age (in seasons): Unknown to all; in broodmares' tales, he is feigned immortal.
Herd: Rogue Stallion
Gender: Male
Rank: Rogue
Personality: In a single word- Murderous. A malevolent assassin who cares absolutely nothing for justice or pity. Cold-blooded, cruel, intelligent, calculating, and utterly ruthless. Has never taken a single ally- rumored to have murdered those of his own blood- and never will. Enjoys killing immensely and takes satisfaction in hearing an equine's death shriek. Lives by the night. Despises the immaculate hierarchies of a herd and is secretly mortified that a former bunch of free rogues have begun to form another herd that loosely rings true to that of a true herd. Intensely secretive and guile; if you see him, you're usually destined to be dead within the next hundred heartbeats. Seems to dissipate into shadows and henceforth return from them. Extremely fierce and tenacious when he arises from the shadows; has never been known to loose a single battle. Supercilious and domineering; believes himself to be a hundred times superior to any lead stallion in physical and mental aspects.
Color: True Black Mule.
Markings: Hundreds of small silver scars adorn his flanks as proof of his many battles.
Description of bodily attributes: Utterly massive black stallion. Extremely muscular and tall. Thick mane and tail. Looks nothing like a burro, but he is a mule. Extremely sharp hooves from many seasons of him sharpening them on rocks. Eerie reddish eyes that never seem to show any white around the edges.
Mate/crush (please specify which): *None*
Parents: He probably killed them.
Siblings: Probably killed them too.
Foals: *None*
History: No equine will ever know where Sintemaza was birthed; or his lineage, for that matter.
All they know is that he's here now.
At least, somewhere.
Among the shadows.

Sintemaza has been feigned to a figment of broodmares' tales; his name is used to frighten uncooperative foals to sleep. He has been tucked into the scorned and devoid caverns of every equines' mind, regarded as a terrifying myth that only exists in the stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. Even so, uttering his very name has the power to send shivers down the spine of any normal equine and strike utter fear in their hearts.
Only those who have seen him know he exists.
And kills.
Sintemaza has taken well over a hundred equines' lives in his interminable lifetime, easily more. He is possibly the greatest foe of both herds combined simply because there is no rhyme or reason to his meticulously calculated killings. But when he does strike, Sintemaza may very well not be seen again for another ten seasons....
He kills without question, and upon sight; perhaps so that, amongst his utter bloodlust, he remains just that- a mocked, a scorned, a disbelieved legend....
Something not to be feared.
Until it strikes.
The half-burro, half-horse may have the appearance, ferocity, and size of a stallion, but his cunning is that of a true burro. Some sage elders say his split blood is the very cause of his fiendish rebellions, others say he just has an insatiable love for killing that never can be satisfied.
Other: He has an even deeper element to his history that is TBR.... ;)
Username: HeavensHens88

(This reminds me a lot of Wangeeska...)
Okay, since mules are sterile (not that it matters here, but...), hmm, should we even call him a stallion, or just put 'mule' instead of stallion...

Since he is a rouge, then (FUTURE REFERENCE FOR ALL) say 'none' in that forum, and 'rouge' in the "rank" blank. XD that rhymed too well
Name: Sintemaza ("Iron Tail"' in Sioux)
Age (in seasons): Unknown to all; in broodmares' tales, he is feigned immortal.
Herd: Rogue Stallion
Gender: Male
Rank: Rogue
Personality: In a single word- Murderous. A malevolent assassin who cares absolutely nothing for justice or pity. Cold-blooded, cruel, intelligent, calculating, and utterly ruthless. Has never taken a single ally- rumored to have murdered those of his own blood- and never will. Enjoys killing immensely and takes satisfaction in hearing an equine's death shriek. Lives by the night. Despises the immaculate hierarchies of a herd and is secretly mortified that a former bunch of free rogues have begun to form another herd that loosely rings true to that of a true herd. Intensely secretive and guile; if you see him, you're usually destined to be dead within the next hundred heartbeats. Seems to dissipate into shadows and henceforth return from them. Extremely fierce and tenacious when he arises from the shadows; has never been known to loose a single battle. Supercilious and domineering; believes himself to be a hundred times superior to any lead stallion in physical and mental aspects.
Color: True Black Mule.
Markings: Hundreds of small silver scars adorn his flanks as proof of his many battles.
Description of bodily attributes: Utterly massive black stallion. Extremely muscular and tall. Thick mane and tail. Looks nothing like a burro, but he is a mule. Extremely sharp hooves from many seasons of him sharpening them on rocks. Eerie reddish eyes that never seem to show any white around the edges.
Mate/crush (please specify which): *None*
Parents: He probably killed them.
Siblings: Probably killed them too.
Foals: *None*
History: No equine will ever know where Sintemaza was birthed; or his lineage, for that matter.
All they know is that he's here now.
At least, somewhere.
Among the shadows.

Sintemaza has been feigned to a figment of broodmares' tales; his name is used to frighten uncooperative foals to sleep. He has been tucked into the scorned and devoid caverns of every equines' mind, regarded as a terrifying myth that only exists in the stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. Even so, uttering his very name has the power to send shivers down the spine of any normal equine and strike utter fear in their hearts.
Only those who have seen him know he exists.
And kills.
Sintemaza has taken well over a hundred equines' lives in his interminable lifetime, easily more. He is possibly the greatest foe of both herds combined simply because there is no rhyme or reason to his meticulously calculated killings. But when he does strike, Sintemaza may very well not be seen again for another ten seasons....
He kills without question, and upon sight; perhaps so that, amongst his utter bloodlust, he remains just that- a mocked, a scorned, a disbelieved legend....
Something not to be feared.
Until it strikes.
The half-burro, half-horse may have the appearance, ferocity, and size of a stallion, but his cunning is that of a true burro. Some sage elders say his split blood is the very cause of his fiendish rebellions, others say he just has an insatiable love for killing that never can be satisfied.
Other: He has an even deeper element to his history that is TBR.... ;)
Username: HeavensHens88

(This reminds me a lot of Wangeeska...)

(Do you want me to change him a little? I made sure to make him a lot more evil than Wanageeska and a totally different equine- a mule-; he is also based off of a cat from the Warriors series: Tigerstar. Tried to make him as different as possible, but do you still want me to edit him a little? Again, I'm really sorry if it looks like plagiarism, Run Wild. :/ My sincerest apologies. :) )
ARG I can't get over how awesome mules are - and not just because Sintemeza is evil, because mules are just downright cool
I want one so bad.
(Another reason, RW, I made him a secretive murderer of legend is because he's totally going to be a massive antagonist with quiet a few of my horses eventually.....)
(Do you want me to change him a little? I made sure to make him a lot more evil than Wanageeska and a totally different equine- a mule-; he is also based off of a cat from the Warriors series: Tigerstar. Tried to make him as different as possible, but do you still want me to edit him a little? Again, I'm really sorry if it looks like plagiarism, Run Wild. :/ My sincerest apologies. :) )

(I don't mean to be disagreeable, but I would appreciate if you edited Sintemaza. It's just that I spent a huge amount of time creating Wanageeska, making his background and characteristics as unique and intriguing as possible. Sintemaza's form seems to resemble Wanageeska in more ways than one, for example; both Wanageeska and Sintemaza have fought countless mustangs but have never been defeated once, so that they are thought of as immortal, or atleast not of the world, both have stories of them spoken of throughout several generations, having them told to foals by broadmares, so that they will grew up to know the legend of the feared equine and so on. Again, I'm sorry. I dont mean to be disagreeable, but writing is something I enjoy, and work hard to do it to the best of my ability, so when I think that someone is atleast partially copying my work, it can be hurtful.)
(Do you want me to change him a little? I made sure to make him a lot more evil than Wanageeska and a totally different equine- a mule-; he is also based off of a cat from the Warriors series: Tigerstar. Tried to make him as different as possible, but do you still want me to edit him a little? Again, I'm really sorry if it looks like plagiarism, Run Wild. :/ My sincerest apologies. :) )

(I don't mean to be disagreeable, but I would appreciate if you edited Sintemaza. It's just that I spent a huge amount of time creating Wanageeska, making his background and characteristics as unique and intriguing as possible. Sintemaza's form seems to resemble Wanageeska in more ways than one, for example; both Wanageeska and Sintemaza have fought countless mustangs but have never been defeated once, so that they are thought of as immortal, or atleast not of the world, both have stories of them spoken of throughout several generations, having them told to foals by broadmares, so that they will grew up to know the legend of the feared equine and so on. Again, I'm sorry. I dont mean to be disagreeable, but writing is something I enjoy, and work hard to do it to the best of my ability, so when I think that someone is atleast partially copying my work, it can be hurtful.)

(I'm really sorry I made you feel that way RW. :hugs I just based him off of a character from a favorite book series of mine (it's actually my own series LOL) and didn't fully comprehend how much I made him alike Wanageeska until just now. Sintemaza took me 4 1/2 hours last night- 12 PM to 4:26 AM- and due to me making him in the midst of the night, again I didn't realize how much his bio rang true to your stallion. Just like you, writing is my absolute favorite past time (3 MONTHS UNTIL MY FIRST BOOK IS PUBLISHED!!! :woot) and I totally understand how upsetting it can be when a beloved character of yours seems to be copied. I am going to edit these parts out: him being a legend, him never being defeated, but I am planning to keep him a mule, a murderer, and intensely feared- is that permissible? Again, I'm inexplicably sorry, but I honestly never meant to copy Wanageeska.)
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