\~ * >One Will Reign< * ~/ a wild horse role-play

~Hawk's eyes widened all the way. "Is the entire herd accounted for?"~

Hintos gaze immediately snapped to Misae, then he sighed with relief when he realized she was still there. He gazed over the whole herd slowly. " Moonshade" he murmured, "and star light. I think that's it."

:)barnie And I'm mixing up the times- I just thought O.W.R. was daytime like S.B.W.!!! :th And then add A.H.A.M., and Sintemaza may come kill Dotpup.... :lau)

LOL :lau yes I actually laughed XDXD

~Hawk was wide awake now, a hoof stamping with apprehension. "Should we wake Smoke?"~
~Hawk was wide awake now, a hoof stamping with apprehension. "Should we wake Smoke?"~

(Valley ;););))
"I'll go get Paytah" he murmured, as he stepped quietly away from the sleeping herd and over to Paytah. "Paytah, I think Moonshade and Starlight are in trouble" he whispered, just loud enough to wake him.
~Hawk was wide awake now, a hoof stamping with apprehension. "Should we wake Smoke?"~

(Valley ;););))
"I'll go get Paytah" he murmured, as he stepped quietly away from the sleeping herd and over to Paytah. "Paytah, I think Moonshade and Starlight are in trouble" he whispered, just loud enough to wake him.

(Facepalm :p)
~Paytah's massive head shot up from being tucked into his chest. Immediately, he took up an assertive and braver posture. "What type of trouble?" he queried softly, refusing to become apprehensive until something like this was proven.~
(Facepalm :p)
~Paytah's massive head shot up from being tucked into his chest. Immediately, he took up an assertive and braver posture. "What type of trouble?" he queried softly, refusing to become apprehensive until something like this was proven.~

"I heard coyotes and boulders falling" Hinto hissed.
(Ok to save us confusion on how to get the stuff to Star Light... I have an idea! If Star Light was able to walk back to were the watcher resides, with the help of Moon Shade, would the she be able to help Star Light then?)

(Hmmm I'm pretty sure that in this rp, it said somewhere that the watcher doesn't store herbs either... :/ I am veerrrryyyy confused as to what to do. :he)
~A black shadow darted soundlessly through an endless stretch of untouched woodland, which satisfied the villainous shadow's need for daytime darkness completely. Hoofsteps were obliterated by the impenetrable density of sound-absorbing, decaying pine needles. Malevolent red eyes cut through the dark like raging embers and panting breaths resounded as the sole occupant of raucous life in the foreboding forest. It effortlessly veered around massive pines, which would prove to be a nettling obstacle to any other creature, but not this equine.
For the was Sintemaza.
The Shadow Mule.~

(I'm placing Wanageeska near where Sintemaza is :) )
Wanageeska strode through a forest, his path dimly light by the few slivers of moonlight that fell through the shrouded tree limbs hanging above his head. He was guided to his favorite water hole, a place where water bubbled up from the earth and who's location was known by few others besides himself. Taking a sip of the cool water refreshed his soul, washing away the nightmares he had awoken from with feelings of pain and fear that where only experienced when he slept. Awake, Wanageeska was unstoppable.

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