\~ * >One Will Reign< * ~/ a wild horse role-play

Eclipse brought her head back up. "ok" she whispered. (what time of day?)
(Just past high noon.)
Hinto nodded by reaching back to nip at an itch on his shoulder. "I'm going out to find a good patch of grass to graze on, anyone want to come?" He whinnied across camp.
*Otaktay's hooves are sore from repeatedly poking them with a needle during knitting the insanely-long sweater he's knitting due to the fact he's been working on it for almost two weeks without stopping*
Oh I don't know. Since Dad kinda discovered that I was up late on byc, he might the !my kindle when we go to bed. :fl
~Otaktay's sweater is two miles long. He whirls it around like a lasso and encircles Flood with it.~
~Macawi lurked around camp, her hooves twitching with devilish satisfaction at keeping the fools that shared her blood completely oblivious.~

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