Oops... "accidentally" ordered chicks!

LOL...i had a similar accident ordering 30 bantams today...for some reason my keyboard only worked if i selected 30 or more...lol...at least my hubby is in with me and the accident so now he neds to build an extra accident coop...lol...


Boy, do I know how accidents happen. I was just eyeballing the auctions on BYC and had a finger spasm on the mouse that caused me to bid on a gorgeous pullet. Thankfully my max bid is only $ 26. and the ones from this seller end up $ 100 and more. I mean this is a serious accident. We are NOT allowed chickens here.

As I write this I keep hearing the lyrics from CRAZY -" I remember, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind........" Please don't tell anyone.
Apparently, McMurray doesn't mind. You just have a minimum of 25. I suppose I could have just ordered one of their combos, but I do enjoy picking and choosing.


never had that kind of accident, my dh & I agreed along time ago, when it comes to poultry or animals we have to talk about it first & then make a decide what to do.
Do Silkies even count as chickens? Make that 3.

oh yes i forgot they dont count as a full chicken!!!!!!! haha you are right!!!!!

Darn! This wouldn't work well for me! I have too many breeds on my hands

3 BR's - 1
2 Silkies - 1
1 BO - 1
2 Polish - 1
1 Delaware - 1
1 Production Red - 1
1 Cochin - 1
1 Mutt - 1
1 SLW - 1

I still have 9 chickens :|
Lol accidental chickens.

"Help I've fallen and I can't get up! Lookit what I found while I was on the floor!"
I suspect I may be heading for an accidental chick order too...... certainly not PLANNING to ACTUALLY order any. I also do "flock planning" with online shopping carts, that must be how it happens.

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