Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Today is the kind of weather I wouldn't mind having all year. I started the morning watching a beam of sunlight coming through the tree light up two deer that were feeding in the back yard. They were only 125' behind the house and stayed from daylight until almost 9am.

The sun is bright, the sky clear and blue, a gentle breeze is blowing and it's currently 64 degrees. If it stayed like this for the rest of the year I would be okay with me. I guess we'd better enjoy it while it lasts. I'm pretty sure winter is still scheduled. I know Hope is quite sure that it is coming since last night she had me helping her rearrange closets and dressers to put away summer clothes and make the warmer stuff more accessable.
Good morning, It has been a long time sense I talked to you guys. Been doing really well, I am hanging in there.
I am so glad that I am getting some cooler weather now. Sure seems like it was a long hot summer.
My chickens are all doing well. The three that I saved from their mom are growing, and feathers coming back in.
The ten That came from one of my Frizzle hens, all mixed eggs, are almost full grown, two of the roosters are trying to crow. They sure are funny.
I thought for awhile that I would have to get rid of my flock, however, I would not give in. I have to wear a mask and rubber gloves when I go in the coop or the run. It is worth it. I like having my own eggs.
I hope everyone has a great day.
Patti, it's a nice pleasant surprize to read your post. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Wearing a mask while in the chicken coop is probably something I should do. What ever bug I've caught has got my chest feeling like someone is sitting on it. I need to clean the coop and breathing all the dust probably isn't a good idea.
Hi Opa, sorry you have been sick, hope you are getting well. How is Granny and Hope doing?
I got my Flu shot last week, The shot has been combined with the H1N1 shot, so you only need one shot. I'm glad.
I wish I was canning, I sure miss doing that, not too mention having all the wonderful produce all winter. YUM!
I need to rake out my chicken pen but haven't had the ump! to tackle that job yet. However I like a clean pen and coop so it is bugging me. The coop is clean yet, as all the chickens are not roosting in it yet. They have lots of places in the pen area that they roost on.

Take care Opa, Have a great day, Pati
Agree whole-heartedly, I could take this weather all year long. I stacked wood this afternoon. Winter is coming. Not sure what this means/ but I have not seen this many acorns in the last 5 years. And they are falling early the two-track through my woods is littered with them!
The following is the first ad that my son ran in the newspaper after Rebecca's car was broken into

One of my fondest

I am five years old, next to my grandma,
cruising down the road in her car, feeling
safe knowing that little Jesus was
with me on my journey.
Then my grandmother passed and I
honored her by placing that statue on
my dashboard. Each time I got in my
car, I was reminded of my
grandmother. Now I see
the remnants of glue that
once held him in place
and I think of you.
Please return him
he is very dear
to me.
Don’t be afraid to do
the right thing.
It’s apparent that you have
made some bad decisions in
life, like ripping little plastic
Jesus off my dash and a hole
in my heart. Do the right
thing and return him before
you continue down the path
of crime. I don’t
want to see you
end up in prison.
I just want
little plastic
Jesus back.

A second ad read

Tell 2 People

If you tell two people and they tell two
people, by tomorrow at 5:37, everyone in
Monett will know that little plastic Jesus
has been stolen. Then he may stand a
chance at being returned. Please help
little plastic Jesus get home.
He is very sentimental.
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