Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Sounds interesting .. (the links are blocked here though)

They are indeed interesting. Hymmnos is a made up language that's actually speakable!

Fou ki ra hyear presia reen...
Thank you all for the kind words on the wall hanging; now I am hoping it passes the "daughter" test when she opens it for her birthday!!

Today is cloudy and cool, about 40 or so I guess; let my older hens out for the afternoon and they just love it when the wet weather creek is running and they can nose around; just let a few drops of rain hit them and they run under the chicken house but they are out there wading in the creek like it was the middle of summer!

Got the massive cleaning urge this morning and have been attacking closets! Amazing how much treasure the trash man will have this week, and probably next week if I keep going...lol.

Hope all is well and everyone have a good day, hoping for sunny skies and warmer weather soon!!
Blessings, CCMH
Hope was going to have her youngest son and his family come over tonight for supper, but I few minutes ago she said that it will be tomorrow night and she now had to figure out what she was going to fix for supper for just us. Now I had eaten lunch today and wasn't and shouldn't be hungry but stupid me, in a effort to be a nice guy suggested that rather than her having to cook tonight I could just go pick up a pizza. I sure wish that I hadn't suggest that for a couple of hours. Now I suddenly seem to be incredibly hungry. Wonder what's up with that.

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