Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Another hot and humid day. I've gotten everything done that I intend to outside and now I think I'll just spend the rest of the day in the house where the
air conditioning makes life bearable. I just finished hardboiling four dozen bantam eggs for David. He's found that if he lets them sit in the refrigerator for several days the peel much easier. His brothers want him to make some more atomic eggs and he's had difficulty finding time to get to it. Thought if I go ahead and get the eggs ready for him it might help out. I am fortune in that I have a very good well and the water is extremely cold. Makes it ideal for cooling down the eggs to peel. When I shut the water off I had one egg come floating to the surface. I don't think that is going to be an egg we would want to eat.
Hot and humid here today too....started plowing out potatoes and canning them..back porch was pretty warm this afternoon!! I didn't melt, but sorta felt that way!!
Went to the doc this week and my BP is sky high...gee I wonder how that could happen?? Doc said we gotta get it down and right away, concerned I might have a stroke....so monitoring it several times a day, and possibly new meds when I give him the readings next week. Hubby fell last Sunday evening in the chicken yard (it had just finished raining) did a flip and roll, hit his hip, jammed his shoulder and a rock got him right between the eyes, blood rolling down his face, shook him up (me too!)...he's been sore but is ok. So grateful he didn't break a hip or anything worse. Next day, Mom calls...she fell down again outside, this time hit her head on the concrete and rolled off down the small embankment to her trailer, crawled back up and went inside then called me. Cant figure out how that happened in about 15 minutes...I had just been outside and she wasn't even out there. But she is ok, iced down the knot on her head and just a couple bumps and bruises and a black eye. So the doc says I need to have less stress in my life....LOL...yep, will get right on that!!

Hopefully we can finish plowing out the potatoes in the next few mornings and relax a day or two!!! Garden is really late this year, just having our first cucumbers and no red tomatoes in sight!!

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!!!
Blessings, CCMH
CCMH, sorry to hear about your hubby and mom and high bp problems. My blood pressure has gone up too and the doctor wanted to raise my medicine. I don't want medicine at all, so I started walking a half hour a day, alone with no worries. It is making it go down and I feel better. My problem is there is always someone around wanting something. So when I go for these walks, I am all alone and it is peaceful. Then I come back and it is easier to deal with my loud, crazy, hectic life.
It's funny when I hear people from down south talking about there gardens, we wont have red tomatoes here for a while. My cucumbers are just starting to grow, only little baby ones so far. We are way behind. When we finally start getting alot of veggies, it is almost fall.

We went to see fireworks last night, I love fireworks! What is everyone doing for the 4th of July.
It's early, but I wish everyone a happy Independence Day! My parents and I are probably going to do a tradition of ours: Get some burgers, and then sit on the edge of a hill overlooking Albuquerque and watch all of the fireworks.
mamagardner, my sis has had a daycare forever. She calls hers Cuddles N Care. The preschool down the street here is called Tot Spot. The one my kid went to was Adventure Time Daycare. Just about anything will work.....

Opa and all the rest here, wishing you all a happy fourth of July weekend.

We are probably going to Twisty Treat for an ice cream, then tonight go sit at the sis in law's and see what fireworks make it around the big tree that is in the way.

Driving home from Chickenstock last weekend, I had the pleasure of watching fireworks in the distance and it turned out to be my exit off the free way. Then last night at a different town along the highway, got to see some more firing off.

Just glad we don't live right next to where they go off anymore. So much less sulfur to breath. Still, it scares the dogs really bad and they are now 7.

It's hot out. Been going between the basement and the pit greenhouse at the end of the garage set down about 3 feet below groundlevel and watching the baby chicks from Opa and the bigger ones I hatched out from KSF and BantamHen66 (Amanda). All wellies and I think Amanda's are better than the rest.

The funniest thing, I had put a wellie roo from chickenstock trip with the 2 leftover silkie chicks and they spent a week in the dog kennel. Now they are all in the greenhouse and the silkie's are KING and they are the smallest. The wellies don't know what to make of them and their brother Wellie roo they musta forgot who he was in a week cause he is their protector.

See ya online,
Good day all,

Been a while since I got the chatty urge. I don't much care for the heat outside, but at least the coastal humidity hasn't gone through the roof yet. We were pushing into the triple digits for heat a while, now is a more reasonable '90s. I'm going to FL sometime in July, I'm going to melt! But Dad, my FIL, lives on Merritt Island and really wants my help clearing "stuff" out of his house. this is usually a good thing- I am sort of the distribution center for the grandkids. I'm going to try to meet some BYCers while there, but no firm plans yet.

Opa, LOVE the pics of you, Granny and all the others at the MI Chickenstock! Did Hope not get to go? That's got to be the best one ever, huge crowd. The food looked pretty good, too.

One thing I find to be so good about this thread - we are all ages, backgrounds, locations - yet we all check in, just to say howdy. So Howdy, y'all!
It is quite wonderful to think that we have friends on both sides of a continent and both sides of an ocean. Today wasn't quite as brutal as yesterday but I still didn't get overly busy and only mowed the back acre and called it a day before noon. Hope everyone has an enjoyable and SAFE 4th tomorrow.
Hello Highlander! Happy Independence Day to you! I haven't talked to you in a while... How have you been?
I was just looking at Highland signature line and she credits Anon. Makes you wonder who that feller was cuz he sure must have wrote a lot. I've seen his stuff everywhere.

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