Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I think the same thing when I see the military friends of my daughter and SIL!!

I hope you feel well enough to go to your picnic........but I undertand not wanting to "pass it around" to your friends.
I'm headed to ParadiseFoundFarm's Illinois get-together today and am looking forward to meeting some BYCers!! Nothing like a day of food and chicken talk!!
Sitting here tonight reading and sort of watching a PBS program Rock, Pop, & Do Wop. Those songs from the late 50s and early 60s certainly bring back a lot of memories. I can remember it Junior HS going over to the City Recreation Center during our lunch hour. They sold pop, chips, and hot dogs but the main appeal was listening to the lastest songs. I remember watching the girls dance together while the guys stood around the edges trying to work up their courage to ask. At that age we were all certain that when we got on the dance floor everyone would be watching and waiting to point out the first mistep. Once I learned to overcome my initial shyness to get on the dance floor my world as I had known it changed. Now tonight as the old songs play in the background I find myself remembering that simpler time. Slow dancing, the heady scent of perfume, all become almost tangible memories.
What a wonderful memory Opa. All that time at those dances too I bet the girls were just waiting for you to finally come up and ask them to dance. Funny, I remember when I was in high school in the '90s everyone seemed to dance in one big group. I kind of liked that. Took the "pressure" off, so to speak. After the dances, we'd all head over to Hudson's Grill for a burger and a shake. We were good kids...not too rowdy.
Still feeling like I've be rode hard and put away wet, but this stupid cold is finally starting to break. Today was a reasonably productive day. Got the chicken coops cleaned and then picked green beans. This was the second picking and by the time we had them all snapped and jarred there was 44 pints. The last cooker is on the stove and in about thrity minutes they will be done. Currently we have 101 pints of green beans put up and hopefully the next picking will be about the same as this one. I'm sure one of Hope's sons will need help this winter and having a good stockpile of canned goods will definitely help.
Up at 4:30 this morning. Slipped out of bed and took my flashlight and went to the back porch to boil water for coffee. So quiet, but just for a moment; then the screech owl was taunting with the trill of its call, a bullfrog at the pond, then hoot owls calling from there too-continually getting softer as they flew off into the distance. Something was wandering in the woods..too dark to see yet. Red fox yipping just outside of the field, and still the screech owl continues to call. Clouds briefly hid the moon and all was quiet for a few seconds. Fixed the coffee and sat back down, days first light creeping over the hill from the east. Roosters crowing on several neighbors places, the shift from night to day starts to take place, crickets and frogs are still calling and the first birds are twittering; wrens, cardinals. Our roosters join in heralding the day. Have to smile as the donkey carries on in the distance. Such a beautiful time of the morning. Rain crow saying it won't be long till it rains; day is dawning and all is glistening with first rays of light from the dew. Coffee tastes better outside, hubby's up and joins me. We sit quietly and listen to the morning. Streaks of light are making their way thru the trees. And then daily life takes over....we can hear neighbors talking and leaving for work.......and then, its over.

Hope you all had a beautiful morning!!
I've been absent, too. Been sick off and on for several weeks and I get really anti-social when I'm ill. Mostly just sit and read on BYC, rarely post. Hopefully all of you are feeling better than I!

Sam called this afternoon and I missed the call.
Probably wondering what edge of the earth I fell off of and if Irene is going to be an issue. The answer is probably not, much to my relief! Still watching her closely though, hoping the current forecast holds!

Hope all the east coasters north of us and going to be safe and sound!

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