Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

You are so right, I am loving it, and my cooking is more enjoyable. I have frozen my main crop of peas and beans, but I am still finding new ones growing, so as soon as there are a few ready to pick they are being added into whatever I am cooking on the day. Both of my sons are now looking out for garden produce when they eat here, the freezer is almost full and we will eat very well with good memories of the garden when the weather turn cold this winter.

The potatoes have saved me a great deal of money so far this year and all of the vegetables have been great as well as the fruit. Even the choickens get excited when they see me picking spinach and beetroot, and cabbage leaves are a wonderful treat for them too.

It also spreads goodwill, I have had lovely presents for cooking from some Israeli girls living in Cardiff because I sent them some beetroot, my son tells me that Sarah cooks a mean Borsht (sp?) and she was so pleased that I remembered and sent her some to cook for a party they were having. I have shared plants with neighbours and received flowering plants in return.

It has been good and I have met new people who are doing the same thing on the allotment site. Now I have an extra shed in my garden and the polytunnel and I am going to put a shed on the allotment for hot tea and shelter in winter time. It is right next to some ancient woodland so I am really enjoying just being there and the peace and quiet.
Hiya, I am so glad you survived this awful storm, it must have caused considerable disruption, I have one large sunflower in the garden and that is almost lying sideways at the moment, not due to a weather storm but entirely due to a PUPPY, lol... Sufi is now a big girl and really does not like flowers that are taller than her, she is a minx. She has collapsed in the sun at the moment in the dining room, so I have some peace....lol. I do wish she could go school and let me get back to a sane routine.... lol....
All this talk of sunflowers prompted me to take a picture of mine. They had reached 12' before the heads became so heavy the started to bend.
lol... indeed, 5' 3". Small country Wales and we are usually small here especially the old ones.... lol...
I am hoping all the gardening will take care of the waistline but I am pretty sure I am only dreaming again....

well finally today my work has picked up and the phone keeps ringing so I will have to go and prepare some jobs,

will drop back in later today, when it all goes quiet again. Hope everyone has a good day and afternoon.

those sunflowers make me want to cry because they remind me of mine. I had both the one headed kind and the many flowering ones. They looked so beautiful, now they just look dead!

I guess if the worst that happened is broken sunflowers we are ahead of the game. The wild birds are not happy though.
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The havoc that storms cause to wildlife and livestock is rarely mentioned on newscasts but it is often horrendous. Plus when you think about all of the big trees that are toppled and will take generations to replace it is truly sad. One road that I often travel was once a scenic trip of old black walnut trees that formed a bowered roadway that was both beautiful and peaceful to drive upon. A tornado tore through there wiping out every tree. Now as I drive that stretch of road I am reminded that it will never again possess that shaded beauty in my lifetime.

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