Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Surprisingly, that never has been a issue though occasionally a sweet smelling breeze wafts though the air. Probably Hope, Granny or the dog.
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Good morning. Looks as though today will be the last warm day for a while. 80 degrees today and struggling to make 60 for the rest of the week.
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Good Morning, Opa!
The weather is a lot like that here, as well. 70s and 80s one day, 50s and 60s the next! It's quite annoying at times.
So excited this morning!! Broody is hatching today! Gave her a dozen eggs and wasn't sure they were fertile. The roo was only 17 weeks, but apparently he was! Seen 2 little fuzzy butts so far, trying to leave her alone and not move a chair to the chicken house....lol!!

Hope everyone has a good day and the storms stay away! We are supposed to be up close to 90 today and tomorrow and then only 60 by Thursday, we were supposed to go to the river Thurs since gigging season opens, but if its that chilly and perhaps rainy I think I will stay home this time!!

Thanks for the info on the beans, those look yummy!
This morning I received an email from someone wanting to purchase my plans for a 2 nest rollout box. I immediately emailed them to him and informed him that I've never charged anyone for my plans so enjoy. He then asked for my phone # and we talked for quite sometime and had a very enjoyable conversation. He probably is the 150th person that I've sent the 2 next box plans to and I have no idea how many folks have built the 6 nest box. I've been told that I should have been charging for these plans but I am convinced that good feeling I get from helping other far exceeds any renumeration I might receive. Plus I firmly believe that when we leave this world the only thing we will be able to take with us are those that we've given away.
Sun is finally making it's appearance. This stupid old man phenomena of waking at 4 or 5am is really a pain now that sunrise is getting later. I have the crossword worked, BYC checked out, an entire pot of coffee drunk before anyone else even makes an appearance.

With temperatures tonight being forecasted to be in the 40s tonight, I need to build some additional plant stands so that all of Hope's house plants can be brought back inside. Yesterday Hope picked up all the windfall apples then we pressed 8 gallons of cider. This morning the ground under the apple trees are littered to the point that it doesn't look like anything was done yesterday. Since this first batch of cider is from mostly tart apples I think I will give it to David for making apple wine. Then maybe next week when the sweeter apples ripen we will press some cider to put in the freezer.

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