Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I'm glad that you can make your trip now, Opa!

As for a status update on me, it's more of the same. Writing my characters, studying, occasionally watching anime...
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Well we have made it to my son's house and already are enjoying ourselves. Morgan has gotten so tall but she will always be my little girl. She is quickly becoming a beautiful young lady and I think it's going to drive her dad nuts when she starts dating.
The weather forecast for here for the next ten days is sunny and temperatures in the low 70's. Couldn't ask for better weather.
PK, I know you like anime, and I was wondering if you had ever seen Howl's Moving Castle? My son and I just watched it, and it was really good.
Opa hope you are enjoying your trip. I am glad you are having nice weather, the weather here was great, but now the rain has returned.
Yes, I've watched it. It's quite good! Anything by Hayao Miyazaki is amazing. I think you'd like My Neighbor Totoro, which is another movie of his.
Opa, wave as you go by and think of me when you are in Mansfield. That's an hour or so from me here in Clyde OHIO as I'm up on SR 20. Didn't even know Laura's museum was there and I've been here 10 years.....

Got questions on my coop building plans. Am just doing a lean to, probably 8 x 20 with some shelves for roosting for my Wellie flock of 40. For the winter, may just be the 20 Wellie roosters out there. At present, no electric except extension cords long ways from the house and hauling in water every few days for them and the alpacas.

Will not be living there yet. It's a remodel, replace, or repair everything property!

Have my first cattle panel and post up to fence off the run area from the alpacas. Will have to line it later with rolled chicken wire to keep out the coons/coyotes. Will let the alpacas roam around outside the chicken area to help protect them from invasion. And will net/wire the run as well as I know coons will climb.

I can hammer and I can do the cuts on the studs on the chop saw. Using the Roofing OSB 3/4 inch for the siding and barn paint. Open dirt floor is the plan unless I lay down a brick floor?

This will be a first for me. Nothing like taking on major building projects by myself....cheers, Bonnie
Absolutely beautiful weather here and I've just about gotten the biggest share of Joe's honey do list completed. He travels so much that he has difficulty keeping up on everything so I am glad that I can get a few things done for him. Scott's list of things he wants my help with isn't nearly as long.

Bonnie, the Mansfield that I will be visiting is in Missouri and is just one of the things in the Ozarks that I want to take Hope to see. The last time we were here together we didn't have much time to explore so this is going to be a real treat for us.

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