Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

It's currently 15 F, going up to 31 F...........so "they" say! This Black Silk coffee with sugar free hazelnut creamer is sure hitting the spot this morning!
I know the feeling well...
Nice to see you Will! Keep dialing!

The last picture with the sun showing through the trees was very pretty and must be what she saw while looking west. I know she doesn't do sunrises and were she awake to see one a photo would be the last thing she would want to share with us.
You know me so well! I can never see the point in getting up to see a sunrise when a sunset will do the job perfectly well! The pic is looking over to my neighbour with their Heilan coos in the field.
I was thinking a while back about all the wonderful people I have met on the site. It wasn't until I decided to add an avatar to my title and Chic-n-farmer commenting on it that I started really getting to know folks.

Just finished supper. Slow cooked some country style pork ribs and then pulled it apart, added some BBQ sauce and with the addition of some cole slaw and french fries had a pretty fine meal. Had enough pork left over for 3 more meals so we packaged it for the freezer and when we need something for a quick meal we're all set.
What a nice thread!I started with one and kinda skimmed thru,Opa I did get your receipt for cauliflower soup and will try it in the next few days.I live in nortern Maine and it was cold here this morning -7 and a high today of 7.I love my chickens,I now have buff,splash.blue.and one black orpington and silkies all colors except buff.My husband has built me a beautiful coop to keep them in.I have house chicks right now,they are in a fish tank with a heat lamp,it was to cold to put them in the coop with the broody she had to many to keep warm.I also have orp eggs in my incubaotr that I got form a very nice lady here on byc.Will look forward to having coffee with you and everyone else on here.
Been a beautiful day today! Had supper of chicken pot pie (homemade version of it) and some store bought cookies hubby brought home for us!

Been aching all day....resulted of last night clumsiness of mine. Tripped on a board (to keep the hamster from rolling in the hallway), went down on my knee (didn't feel that at all), then knocked my noggin against the wall while the ribcage landed on the floor. A minute later, OUCH! I cracked that knee of mine three times within a year and a month, first time on the parking lot with ice, second time, misstepped off of neighbors' sidewalk, landed on concrete and now this one. Its a wonder I have not broke my kneecap! Why always the left knee? LOL! Poor hubby thought I was really down but I told him give me a minute to gather my noggins with the birds flying above me a rest LOL! Been ok but head and knee aches. Hope nothing serious.
I was thinking a while back about all the wonderful people I have met on the site. It wasn't until I decided to add an avatar to my title and Chic-n-farmer commenting on it that I started really getting to know folks.

Just finished supper. Slow cooked some country style pork ribs and then pulled it apart, added some BBQ sauce and with the addition of some cole slaw and french fries had a pretty fine meal. Had enough pork left over for 3 more meals so we packaged it for the freezer and when we need something for a quick meal we're all set.

Yes, that first "Opa's Avatar" thread was a hoot! It's where I met Ranchie, too.
Might I say Sam, that you are looking as lovely as ever.
Been a beautiful day today! Had supper of chicken pot pie (homemade version of it) and some store bought cookies hubby brought home for us!

Been aching all day....resulted of last night clumsiness of mine. Tripped on a board (to keep the hamster from rolling in the hallway), went down on my knee (didn't feel that at all), then knocked my noggin against the wall while the ribcage landed on the floor. A minute later, OUCH! I cracked that knee of mine three times within a year and a month, first time on the parking lot with ice, second time, misstepped off of neighbors' sidewalk, landed on concrete and now this one. Its a wonder I have not broke my kneecap! Why always the left knee? LOL! Poor hubby thought I was really down but I told him give me a minute to gather my noggins with the birds flying above me a rest LOL! Been ok but head and knee aches. Hope nothing serious.

Good grief! What a day! Hope tomorrow is a better one!
Been a beautiful day today! Had supper of chicken pot pie (homemade version of it) and some store bought cookies hubby brought home for us!

Been aching all day....resulted of last night clumsiness of mine. Tripped on a board (to keep the hamster from rolling in the hallway), went down on my knee (didn't feel that at all), then knocked my noggin against the wall while the ribcage landed on the floor. A minute later, OUCH! I cracked that knee of mine three times within a year and a month, first time on the parking lot with ice, second time, misstepped off of neighbors' sidewalk, landed on concrete and now this one. Its a wonder I have not broke my kneecap! Why always the left knee? LOL! Poor hubby thought I was really down but I told him give me a minute to gather my noggins with the birds flying above me a rest LOL! Been ok but head and knee aches. Hope nothing serious.

I hope it's nothing serious either.......take care!

Good Night....................
Henney Penny, I'm glad that you enjoy our thread. I feel honored so call all of you friends and look forward to each and every post.

Ewesheep, sorry to read your day went so poorly and I'm glad your injuries weren't more severe. Years ago I discovered that fingers can become magnetized. How else can you explain that when you smack your finger or thumb you will continue to do so. There must be some similar force at work with regard to knees.

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