Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I can't remember ever having a cold that has been as debilitating as this one. Deep side tearing coughing spells that leaves you completely winded and gasping for breath. Scott, my youngest son, is currently visiting Rebecca's family and on Saturday they are due to come here. Since I haven't seen him since September I was really looking forward to their visit. However, I think I am going to call him and tell him to stay away.

I do think that it is finally starting to subside and hopefully in a few more days we will be better. Hope had been lecturing both Granny and I about the need to drink more water. She claims that because she drinks more water, which I seriously dispute, she wasn't suffering as badly as Granny and I. Well today it finally caught up with her; she is absolutely miserable and strangely quiet about drinking water as a preventative.
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My best friend Bob also has 3 sons who each have two children. There are many days that Bob is the primary babysitter. For several years it seemed he was always battling a cold. He would just get over one cold when another grandchild that couldn't go to school because of being sick would be brought over and the sick cycle would start anew.
Opa, I have been lurking here for some time. I had the racking,chest tearing cough. Dr. said it is a tough strain of bronchitis. Gave me antibiotics, but it still hung on for 4 weeks. Lots of rest and fluids. Hope you and your family feel better soon. i really enjoy this thread.
rrrmamma, I'm glad you decided to post and that you enjoy our thread. There is always room at this table and I hope you will often pull up a chair.

I think that this "bug" is finally starting to lessen its bite but I think it is going to take awhile to get back to normal. This afternoon I carried a 50# bag of feed out to fill the feeder and it was almost more than I could do. I had planned to fill the feeder and then go to the store. I had to come back in and catch my breath and sit awhile before venturing out.

Scott and Rebecca are to be here Sunday morning and I hope we are all feeling well enough to enjoy their visit. With traveling being so expensive and two of my sons living a 15 hour drive away, I usually only get to see them once a year. Scott coming home for just a few days is an unexpected blessing. I think that each year I grow closer to my sons. It's hard to believe that the baby will turn 40 this year but then I only need to look in the mirror and it isn't so hard to believe.
Thanks for the welcome and invitation Opa. I live across the country from my 89 year old mother and try to visit as often as I can, but money is tight. She is not in the best of health and I worry about her living alone. I hope you feel well enough to enjoy the visit.

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