Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

A little on the brisk side today. We had a heavy frost and tomorrow the weather forecast is calling for rain and snow. Not unexpected for Michigan this time of year but I could still do without it.

I had a flock of turkeys behind the house this morning. While they spend the entire winter here they usually disappear a couple of days before turkey season starts. Since a big tom was strutting for the ladies entertainment I decided to see if I could get a shot. A belly crawl stalk through the cold and wet frost covered grass got me within 40 yards but the hens stayed so close to the tom that I never had a shot.

I don't mind getting dirty while working but I detest grease. I wanted to put new bearings on the boat trailer so I pulled the hubs, removed the old bearings, drove out the old races and replaced everything. I had decided that I wanted bearing protectors with zert fittings to make keeping the hubs greased easier. As I was driving the last one on I discovered that one of the hubs had cracked. I've ordered a replacement and it should be in the middle of next week. As irritating as having to redo something is, and as aggravating as the additional cost is, the worst part is I once again must endure greasy hands.

This afternoon Hope's 3 year old grandsons was here while I was wrapping some Welsummer eggs to ship. He was quite interested in what I was doing and when I was finished and heading for the post office he wanted to know where I was taking the eggs. I told him and went on my way. When I returned home his parents were there and he was extolling them about how he had helped me wrap eggs so the mailman could take them to a man in Opahoma.
This afternoon Hope's 3 year old grandsons was here while I was wrapping some Welsummer eggs to ship. He was quite interested in what I was doing and when I was finished and heading for the post office he wanted to know where I was taking the eggs. I told him and went on my way. When I returned home his parents were there and he was extolling them about how he had helped me wrap eggs so the mailman could take them to a man in Opahoma.

That is so sweet...
..gotta love little ones!!

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