Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

OK, either Opa is REALLY busy today(which is probably the case) OR he doesn't want to tell the haggis story for fear that he will ruin Sally's fun...

By the way, Opa, how is Granny feeling? Better, I hope!
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More likely ruin my appetite!

Hey Laura, what rock did you escape from neath of?

Maggie, I won't eat a hotdog.

I am a weird eater ya'll - I will eat some beef, some pork, fish and shellfish - but no organs or any meat I haven't prepared and cooked myself. No restaurant food for this kid.
LOL, when I'm on a road trip I either pack a cooler or starve. My MIL howled when she found out I wrap BBQ sandwiches in foil, put them on the truck engine and drive several hundred miles. By the time I need to gas up the sandwich is piping hot. Pop the hood and you've got lunch! Gets some conversations going at the gas station, usually with the semi drivers.
I eat lots of veggies and fruits, grains, nuts, seeds etc. Not particular reasons, I just eat what I like and avoid the rest. I will cook most anything for anyone, even if I don't eat it.
You sound just like me! I don't want nobody elses' nasty hands touching my food 'cept mine! I'm a freak about that-glad to know I'm not alone. I love the way you heat food on a road trip!
I did many years in restaurants. Most are quite sanitary, but I still don't take chances!

Mom always said I was a picky eater and I didn't want to disappoint her!
Hi i hope you dont mind if i join,
ranchhand pointed me in the direction of this thread would be nice to chill and chat with people

please dont talk to me about picky eating my 8 month old is costing me the earth she will only eat jarred food after we struggled to get her onto solid food instead of milk ive tryed everything even recreated the jarred food she normally eats and she just wont have it (sigh) oh well love her really
Hi Fairybee, welcome to the thread! 8 months old? Oh my, you have your hands full!

Chill and chat? I like that. I once found a cafe in Texas called the "Chat and Chew".
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Fairybee, welcome. Always room for one more here. I can't promise you that any of this will make any sense, but we all seem to enjoy it.
Have you tried using a blender on regular people food? Seems like if the texture and consistancy is the same as baby food it should make the transition easier. I was lucky with my sons. The only problem I had was that I couldn't shovel it in to them fast enough to suit them. I sure was glad when they started feeding themselves. I've seen kids, including my granddaughter, that wore as much food as they ate. Didn't have that problem with the boy either. If it was in their reach it was going in their mouths. I think I should have given all three the same middle name, Hoover.

Hope's step dad showed up before 8am to get a load of firewood and I've been working just about constantly since then cutting that tree up. That much work sure makes me aware of just how many years I've lived. I may have to sit in the jacuzzi tonight just to get the kinks out.

Yesterday it was over 80 and today it's been cool and windy. Tonight the temperature is supposed to drop down in the low 30's and they're predicting rain and sleet for tomorrow. It figures, I've put the chicks in the wall cages in the large fowl coop. I haven't quite perfected the temperature control in the brooder cages so I guess I will be making serveral trips out there tonight to check on them.

Ranchie, put your hands over your eyes so you don't read this. I've eaten haggis and it really is pretty good. It's not too dissimilar to boudin sausage. For those of you who have never eaten Cajun boudin sausage you are missing a treat. I'm sure that if you try it you will find that it is quite good, and I won't tell you that it is made with pork, pork liver, blood and rice.
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Back before fuel injection and catalytic converters, you used to be able to get cookbooks. They would tell you how many miles you had to drive to cook just about anything. Things like pot roast, with them mounted to your exhaust manifolds. Talk to some of the old time truck drivers, they could do some "cooking" not "heating" on their engines.
we blend everything we eat so i always cook extra for lily and i blend it and try her with it and i freeze 5 protions of each as i always think she may come to like it i even have blende froozen christms dinner in there

she is just extremely fussy my mom say's she will grow out of it so freezing is my best idea until then though she does love finger foods and fruit so not so bad she will suck on a carrot stick for hours as with only one tooth she doesnt have much chance of choking she cant break it and for her teething i refridgerate them befor giving it too her nice and cold on her teeth
A bit OT from guts and glory, but lookie here! The Carolina Wrens have feathered out!


All 5 hatched and now both parents are very busy feeding the greedy little feathered monsters!

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