Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

EE lover:) :

two more days till school starts..
to the legal people- my mom!

I fail to understand the above post and will not address it for that reason.

Pati, wonderful to see you are getting some strength back. Hope you do nothing but rest, cope and heal, lady!

MamaG, good to see you!

Neeleys, I may need that E-fence help soon, I have all the parts and Opa's advice- merely lacking in manpower right now, lol. Welcome, have a seat!

Hey viejo, how hot is hot now? This dailyy jungle steam is getting old here.

Opa, love the cartoon!

PK, Amerslan is a very cool thing to learn! All I know is how to say thank you, and I have actually used it a lot!

More later, at the moment I am cleaning out my truck - shouldn't take more than a week!
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Ranchie- I didn't understand it either. Maybe you have to be under a certain age for it to be funny.

Patty- The temperature here only made it to 72. After the heat and humidity we've had it is rather nice.

Neeleys- Glad the fence advice worked out for you. I try to share my experience with everyone before I get so old that I forget what I've learned. And yes Thistle I know it's coming soon.
Well Ranchie,
I wished I could say it was as nice now as it was earlier. I can't. We still have daytime temps in the low 90's, and the nighttime temps in the high 60's, but we have acquired the high humidity now, and it doesn't actually get cool until about 4:00 AM. We get almost daily showers in the surrounding area, but not enough to cool things off, just add to the humidity. I installed a ceiling fan in my coop for the girls. They still have the cooler, but it doesn't really help, even with the water turned off.
I hope you are getting better. I saw where you tripped, and were haveing some problems. I hope everything gets better soon.
Oh, just because someone is young does not mean they get it.
I never got the whole 'waah, school is coming!
' I like it.

What's coming soon? The Haruhi Suzumiya movie?
Oh yeah, it's something different.
I don't know why I was surprized to see a tree that was already starting to change color. Technically summer is almost over. Recently there was a country song called "Living in fast forword" and it sure feels that life has gotten faster. It seems as if time has sped up. One moment it's the first of the month and before you realize it the end of the month if here.

My garden is still filled with things that I need to pick and can but already many of the plants are starting to die back. This year was probably the best garden I have ever had. The okra is still blooming and usually it doesn't do very well for me but this year it has been outstanding. The sweet potatoe plants have taken over at least a fourth of the garden and I'm anxious to see what the harvest will be. Do I have lots of potatoes or are they all tops? You're supposed to wait until the frost kills the plants so hopefully that is a couple of months off.
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This year was one of the worst years for my small garden... we downsized a few years ago since I am not getting the help from H... but also my arthritis is worse... anywho.. me and the Hubby were just talking about this subject this morning... How is it the the time just flys by? spring starts and the next thing you know your seeing holloween stuff in the stores!! Geez!
I worked at Marshall fields and I can tell you they start the Christmas stuff at the end of Sept. Man o Man... I didn't even see the roses, let alone smell them.!

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