Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It will be hard here without my Mom....but at least my sisters will be here. My DH has to work from 6:00 am until 6:00 pm. He is so mad he almost quit his job. He said if it wasn't so hard to find jobs out there he would have, and I don't blame him. They are even making him work Christmas:(! He has to work every weekend and EVERY holiday.

Oh well, on a happier note, Ranchhand that story was very funny.
Opa sounds like a nice feast you have there.
My turkey is in the oven, and now it is time to clean the house and set the table.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope everyone had a lovely day yesterday!

Well the snow has decided it is here for a while. 4 inches yesterday and heavy snow showers predicted for the rest of the weekend. Bleck. I just hope it doesn't last as long as it did last year. I was due to have a new fence put in the big field for the rheas today but obviously the guy had to cancel, I don't mind looking at the stuff but I hate the disruption it causes.

The chickens are not setting foot outside but the rheas don't seem to mind at all, they are scampering around as normal.

Ducks are 2 1/2 weeks old now, I can't believe how big they are getting! They love their daily swim in the bath

Good day all,

Whew Thanksgiving was fun, just the two of us, but WHAT to do with the wrecked kitchen! I usually try to clean as I cook but it didn't work so well this time. That's the downside to a tiny kitchen.
Hope everyone had a happy one, too.

MamaG, you were in my thoughts, I knew it was the first time. I imagine Christmas will be poignant too, but remember the good times.
Too bad they are making your DH work all of it though.

Highlander, they're adorable, really getting big. Odd how you and I both ended up with four ducks!

FlyingFChick, nice to "see" you. My big plans are to someday go to Michigan and Montana, and then on over to Scotland! Might start with Scotland, except once I get there I may not want to leave.

OpaSam, that sounds like quite the feast! Hope you all enjoyed the food, friendship and family!
Cold and sunny in the southeast today! Lovely day, though a bit chilly for the great outdoors due to the breeze. I need to get to work on finishing the packing crate coop as the young'uns are getting lively. JJ has escaped several times, which means a merry chase on hands and knees. Luckily, it's a small room!

After such a filling turkey meal I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes, with a side of Brussels sprouts. We have been steadily eating our way through the weekend. DH has to head back to work tomorrow, and I get all the paperwork again. Bleh to cold mornings! I hesitate to build a fire when it's going to be 65F later in the day, but just might do it.

Already thinking about a garden for next spring, but I need a sunnier area. Anyone have any tips on clearing grassy weeds out without physical labor?
Hello everyone. Have been a long time reader of this thread, really enjoy it! Ranchhand, I have found heavy duty black plastic works great for new garden prep work. This is a good time of year to lay it out, the grass will be gone by spring. Of course your spring will come much sooner than mine but I think your warmer winter will speed up the process. Happy gardening!

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