Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends


Hubby is 19 years older than me and he turned 73 this fall......soooooo.....give Hope a big hug from me and tell her the best is yet to come!!!
Oh, and close the door......we get tired of running around the house trying to figure out where the water pipes are leaking...

Had our first snow this week too, sorta early for us; but the woodpile is in good shape and there's lots of grub stored up so I guess we are ready for winter!
Hoping everyone has had a wonderful day......hello to all
Cold, dark morning sitting here drinking coffee and waiting for the sun to rise. Waiting for Hope and Granny to rise as well. I've got to take Granny to the doctor this morning and then come home and plane the edges of some hardwood flooring for a customer. He had a damaged board in his floor and the board we were trying to replace in with is just a smidgen to wide. Hopefully it will fit this time.

Muzzleloading season opens tomorrow so I've got to swap guns some time today. The last several years I've killed more deer with my muzzleloader than I have with my shotgun. Hopefully the trend continues. I'll probably have several deer in the yard today since it would be illegal to shot them. The turkeys have probably told them that the season isn't open yet. It sure does seem that some how they know when and where they are safe.

Yesterday I filled up a cardboard box with snow to send to Scotland. I was going to take it out to the truck so that today I could take it to the post office but forgot and left it sitting in the family room. Now the bottom of the box is all wet and I doubt if the post office will accept it. I wonder how it got so wet.
I'm sorry to hear about your soggy bottom Sam. Perhaps you should ask the doctor about it when you are there.
Serves you right for trying to send me snow!
Only the magic of Frosty would make it whole again! Ever thought about dry ice?

Why can't you kill deer in your backyard? I don't see anything illegial about it unless you do have neighbors.
Two more hours til it's light enough to hunt and I not real optimistic about how this morning is going to be since it is snowing quite hard and we are supposed to get at least 2 inches.

I woke this morning at 330am to what I thought smelled like electrical wiring burning. I've looked everywhere and found nothing and no longer smell anything. However, now I can't go back to sleep for fear I might have missed something. Maybe all those years of firefighting has made me paranoid.

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