Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

.....but if you move too fast, you crash and wreck everything.
Some times the simplest meals are the best. Put a pound of Great Northern beans on to cook about noon. Brought them to a quick boil, tossed in some diced sweet onion and a couple of smoked ham hocks and turned it down to a simmer.

By six the liquid had thickened and once the cornbread was done we were sitting down to some fine eating. A little pepper/onion relish on the side and I could help wondering what the poor people were eating.
Opa, as you know we just visited my mother and father in law in Austria.
They are 86 and 87 years and in excellent health. One reason I suspect is that they walk every day.
But another surprise to me was how good the simple food we ate tasted!
For example the chicken was just cooked in butter and seasoned lightly with herbs. Very simple yet very tasty!

I grew up very poor, and we practically lived on beans and cornbread. So much so that I wouldnt touch either one in my twenties. Living away from home- refused to consider those staples at all.

It was not until in my thirties that I discovered they were actually a comfort food, that brought back good memories of my mom in the kitchen, and being a kid, and I often made those dishes during my rocky divorce.

Now they are a perfect dish on a chilly day. I LOVE cornbread. I still giggle at my daughters response, "We are having BEANS for dinner? Beans? really mom *insert teenage eye rolling here*..." hahahhahaahahaha....
Since the topic seems to be food that makes you feel good, yesterday's supper was definitely that. It was what you could call a backyard meal. Everything we ate came from our property. Fresh sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, corn on the cob, sauteed onions and bell peppers, marinated and quickly fried venison. Kind of nice harvesting the yard.
Sam, a meal like that brings more than a full belly- it gives you fulfillment of the soul!
Congratulations on a good garden crop and the ability to put food on the table with your skills alone.
Once in a while I will see something that makes me think "that just ain't right". Today I saw something that takes that up to a whole nother level.

A birthday cake made to look like an albino Burmese python. Are they trying to make sure no one eats any? Seems like a bakery in England made this one at the request of a customer's 6 year old daughter for her birthday. Now there is one strange little kid.

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