Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

For several years I have been simply seeding peppers, slicing into strips, placing them in a single layer on a cookie sheet, freezing, and then bagging in ziplock freezer bags. Then it a matter of only taking out as many as are needed.

Like most grandfathers I think my grandkids are beautiful, and the oldest, Morgan, totally captured my heart the first moment I laid eyes on her. However, if I am totally honest she has been at times a gawky looking kid. A few days ago she sent me her 8th grade school photo and I do believe her gawky days are long gone.
I know you are both a master fisherman and chef having tried some of your previous recipes. A young man we know gave us some Salmon fillets. I don't cook fish and the instructions he gave me were "broil, dark side down." Can you give something a bit more detailed so I don't destroy the fish.
I know you are both a master fisherman and chef having tried some of your previous recipes. A young man we know gave us some Salmon fillets. I don't cook fish and the instructions he gave me were "broil, dark side down." Can you give something a bit more detailed so I don't destroy the fish.
When I cook salmon or steelhead I like to smear margerine on the filets and then librally sprinkle Morton's Natures Seasoning. Place the filets on aluminum foil on the top rack of the oven. Broil for approximately 10 minutes. Fish should flake easily when tested with a fork.

If the filet still has the skin on when cooking is complete, place on platter skin side up. The skin will separate quite easily. You will notice a line of dark meat that runs down the center of the filet. This is called the lateral line and is easily separated from the meat. I find this has an objectionable flavor so I alway remove it before serving.

If you have a filet from which the skin has been removed this lateral line tissue may have been removed. If not it can be excised with a sharp knife before cooking.
Winter will soon be upon us so we need to maximize our efforts to prepare for it. I have been as busy as a beaver trying to finish several outdoor projects plus find time for some fishing. I've made several float trips on the Huron river and have been amazed to discover at least 3 colonies of beavers. I've yet to see the animals themselves just the evidence of their labors..


As beautiful as the fall colors are the falling leaves that follow certainly to create a lot of work. I recentlyraked the leaves in just the front yard and had amassed a pile that was 10' wide 30' long and 3' deep. I no more than get those taken care of and the recent rainfall and ensuing winds have cover the yard again. Their are times that living in a condo project does have it's appeal.
I think about a condo somedays also Opa. But in the end, I love my little acre of land!

It has been a beautiful Autumn, the best one that I can ever remember! I hope you get lots of fish!

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