Open Mouth Breathing and Sneezing


Sep 9, 2022
Ontario, Canada
I have 4 12-week old silkies. They have ALWAYS sneezed (literally every day since getting them at 9 days old) - eating and drinking great, no discharge, poops normal, good energy. So I haven’t been too concerned about it.

For the last couple days one of the boys has a different sounding sneeze (they all have these very dainty sneezes, his now almost sounds like a goose honk mixed with sneeze…if that makes sense) and now I noticed he’s open mouth breathing. Wondering if this is something I should be concerned about.

I have videos of the breathing and sneezing but can’t for the life of me figure out how to attach 🤦🏼‍♀️
Videos need to be uploaded to a site such as YouTube or Vimeo with a link posted here. Are they sneezing mostly when you see them eating chicken feed? How is the ventilation in your coop? Do any have feed or secretions on their nostrils? Did you get them from a breeder? Viruses, such as infectious bronchitis can cause sneezing for about a month, and it can spread through the whole flock. They get it from a carrier.
Videos need to be uploaded to a site such as YouTube or Vimeo with a link posted here. Are they sneezing mostly when you see them eating chicken feed? How is the ventilation in your coop? Do any have feed or secretions on their nostrils? Did you get them from a breeder? Viruses, such as infectious bronchitis can cause sneezing for about a month, and it can spread through the whole flock. They get it from a carrier.
Yes, they sneeze the most when they eat (and the chick started I have is quite dusty so I’ve always assumed the sneezing was from that - especially since it’s been going on almost 3 months with no other symptoms). Ventilation is about 4.5 SF about 2.5 feet above their heads (they don’t roost). I’ve never seen any secretions from nostrils, eyes aren’t watery or puffy or anything.

The boy who is now open mouth breathing is still eating and drinking and moving around as normal. I added some VetRx to their water today simply because it’s all I have on hand - I know if won’t actually clear an infection if there is one.

I got them from “a breeder” - but just one we found on kijiji. I honestly don’t know how reputable they are. They sneezed since the day I brought them home from her.

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