Open sore help!


7 Years
Jan 13, 2013
West Virginia
My poor hen. I thought our rooster was being a little too rough but now I'm not sure. From yesterday till today they have pecked clean through the skin and I can see muscle. She may be fighting with the others too cause her beaks and where her comb attaches is bleeding too. Can I put some bag balm on it and a bandage wrap of some kind?


I put her in with my week old babies so hopefully that'll do till I can work something else out. How will it heal? Will it scab over? This is the first big injury I've ever had to deal with so I don't know what to do.
I put her in with my week old babies so hopefully that'll do till I can work something else out. How will it heal? Will it scab over? This is the first big injury I've ever had to deal with so I don't know what to do.
it should heal fast as long as it doesnt get pecked at, and dont keep washing it just do that once to get bad stuff out then squirt betadine on it or spray blue kote on it and leave it alone. it will scap over and get smaller and smaller. I have seen worse
honestlyfor for a wound that size if she we're mine besides cleaning it I'd put her on a general antibiotic if she's drinking alright a water soluable antibiotic like penvk, or eyrthomycin, or mild antibiotic of that sort. gallimycine, ect. this will help her heal faster and keep infection down. the proud flesh looks swollen and slightly infected. if she we're mine I'd do this. then perhaps get a hen saddle when she's recovered it might help but won't help neck wounds. I really Hope she gets well soon! a really great spray for that is vetericyn. you can find it in equine area of feed store. also I'd likely choose the soulble gallimycine pfc. it is a great anti infective and will work perfectly in this situation. best wishes
I have had this happen to one of my chickens a couple times.As long as the wound didn't crack there skull than the chicken will survive. The first thing you should do is put a dab of hydrogen peroxide on the sore.This cause the chicken to struggle, but it is a tropical solution, it will not harm the chicken. Apply this once or twice a week or if the infection gets worse. After about a month the sore should be healed up. Its important to Doctor the sore right away so it does not get infected and the chicken gets gain green and dies. That would be horrible! Make sure the chicken is away from other chickens. I hope that helped!

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