Open wound on my main man!!!


5 Years
Apr 12, 2014
Saint Cloud, Florida
I went to check on my 4 largest chicks in their tractor and noticed three of them pecking away on my little roo. He now has an open wound about the size of a half dollar under his vent. I irrigated it and put Vaseline on it. I'll separate him but I'm worried about it being under his vent. It is completely am open hole through his skin. :-(
Welcome to BYC. I would watch to see if there is a particular bully who may need separating. Once a red area is pecked (the vent is popular) everyone becomes a little cannibal. Does he appear weak or sick? Clean the wound with weak Betadine and put some Neosporin ointment on him. Get some BluKote spray for his vent when you plan on re-introducing him when his vent heals. Make sure they are getting a 20% good chick starter, and have plenty of room. Good luck.
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