OPEN WOUND pls Help!!!


9 Years
Sep 8, 2010
Northfield, CT
Hi! My name is Monica, I live in CT. I am new at raising chickens.

I noticed that Sunny (Buff Orpington) had a very bad, what looked like, a open bloody, very deep puncture wound. We do not know what happened. Took her to a vet who told me to wash the wound twice a day, gave me a solution to use, and once the wound is cleaned out, to put vaseline over it to keep it from drying out.

She also wants to put her on antibiotics but has to call me tomorrow because she said she needs to find an "approved" medication for layers. She doesn't have a ton of experience with chickens. She wants me to keep her separated from the rest of the group, (we have 5 more) so she is in a very very large dog crate on hay (she said no shavings) in the lower level of our house. She said she should be somewhere preferably indoors where flies can't get at the wound. She said it may take 2-3 WEEKS to heal! In the meantime, Sunny keeps irritating the wound so the vet said they may need to put on a E Collar! Does this all sound correct???


Thank you so much,
Sounds reasonable to me. Some may recommend an antibiotic ointment that does not have a pain reliver in words that end in "caine" I think it is. Good Luck, you were lucky to find a vet that would even look at a chicken, alot of people can't. Keep us posted on her recovery.
Thanks Kimberly for your quick response. I will be sure to look out for that! The vet I went to is Chippens Hill in Bristol!! They are wonderful people there who really care.

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