Opinions on this Craigslist Coop please?


Aug 30, 2020
Southern Idaho
I'm currently in the very beginning stages of planning to build my own coop for my first chickens.... but I was browsing through Craigslist and saw this coop...

Could I get some expert chicken folks' opinions on this coop? I'm planning on 6 chickens for reference. The wheels look pretty spindly, but I'm not planning on moving it once I get it where I want it. I'd cover the window with hardware cloth, but I'm not sure if it'd need additional ventilation??? I do really like that it has more than enough room to walk into. Anyway I'd love to know if people think this is worth checking out! Thanks! 😄
Wheeled - why?
Not well vented.
Where are the nest boxes?
For that matter what's with the entirety of its internal design?
It's SOOOO expensive!

If you can make your own and already have the tools, it would cost half that, maybe less and probably be bigger...

Edit; looks like chickens are expected to lay in the upper level behind the mesh.
They won't. They will sleep there and lay under those things I could generously refer to as "roost bars" all the way in the back under the shelf you will have to crawl under to collect eggs. They will instead sleep right newt to the window and catch ALL the drafts. And you will have to wrangle your arms over the nest to clean the roosting space.
Not understanding the reason for having it on wheels.
You will need to remodel to provide more ventilation.
You will need to make nesting boxes but there isn’t any room for them so adding onto the coop would be an option.
For the price they are asking and the remodeling you would need to do, it isn’t worth it.
If you have family that could help you build a coop it wouldn’t take long to build and it would be for way less than what they are asking for.
Do your homework here on this sight before committing. Lots of info and extremely knowledgeable people here.
Oh yeah for sure! This site and forum are a goldmine of chicken info. I've been lurking on here for months. I knew I'd get good feedback on this coop. And I did, in less than 5 minutes. A resounding response of "NO!" lol.

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