Opions and advice


May 31, 2021
I have a almost 7 month old rooster . His breed is Silkie / Polish mix .
I didn't have any issues with him with the hens until a broody hatched out his chicks now he wants to fight with the broody ( she's fenced for see no touch in coop with her month old chicks) he is going after 2 other hens now since the broody returned to coop . He is not letting the hens eat or tid-bitting for them . One of my hens died of mysterious circumstances I don't know if he got too rough with her or she died from stress related issue . I had dogs running them in their coop ( stupid loose dogs🤬) my dilemma is do I wait and see if it's too much change or because of stress or do I go ahead and rehome him with full disclosure . Is he just too big for my hens and he is frustrated. Or is he just an As@#&$+ cockerel that's only going to get worse
He isn't people agressive .
Also my hens are Silkie and a dark brahma bantam
Separate the male, and integrate the broody and chicks.
Try adding the male back to flock after a few weeks or so.
He is separated in his own area in the run . I would coop him elsewhere but right now I don't have a dog safe area that I can keep him in . I am having problems with loose dogs killing livestock/ poultry / small pets .
That's horrible!

Are the authorities doing anything about it?
Basically I live in a state that I can protect/ kill any dogs that are harming/ killing but the house are too close to feel even remotely safe about shooting dogs. If our locale "rescue " and I use that term lightly gets them they go to a locale foster and end back up in my area killing / harming livestock . If you try to hold the party's responsible for damages it becomes a Not mine situation .
Basically I live in a state that I can protect/ kill any dogs that are harming/ killing but the house are too close to feel even remotely safe about shooting dogs. If our locale "rescue " and I use that term lightly gets them they go to a locale foster and end back up in my area killing / harming livestock . If you try to hold the party's responsible for damages it becomes a Not mine situation .

Strong electric fence is probably the best solution then.
Look for another cockerel; raise a few, and it looks like that's what you are doing right now anyway. Maybe one of your new chicks will be a winner. Or raise some pure bantam Brahmas, because they tend to be nice birds anyway, and then you can have some purebred chicks.
Look for another cockerel; raise a few, and it looks like that's what you are doing right now anyway. Maybe one of your new chicks will be a winner. Or raise some pure bantam Brahmas, because they tend to be nice birds anyway, and then you can have some purebred chicks.
I have a nice little Silkie cockerel that I am probably going to use as my flock rooster . The Brahma bantam was a " rescue" from TSC.

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