Opossum Attack - had chicken by the head! Let her be or examine and treat?

We live in high sugar cane growth area, vet said rats very common. We are blessed with a pet mini fox terrier who is a natural ratter, so at dusk when we put the girls to bed the dog will have sniff. My husband is a certified pest controller / eradicator so he has implemented a baiting & trap system which will not harm the Chooks in anyway. Stumpy is still recovering. She has had great days but then sad days where's she's flat. She's on Antibiotics still have my fingers crossed as Chooks are funny things, the vet said they can come good and the just die from stress of it all :(
So how is she doing? Hoping for good results. Your husband should post ideas for how to bait and kill and not let it get to th e chickens?
Mine is still scared of everything and mostly blind in the one eye, but she's alive and gaining weight. Not laying yet though and her sister is.

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