Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Finn will no longer go into his heated condo. One night when DH was taking his sleepy cat out to the house, as usual, Finn suddenly resisted and hissed, looked inside and since then, refuses to sleep in it. Nothing was in there at that time but something must have gone into his house on the deck, maybe even stuck around for awhile. We moved the little a-frame condo to the other side of the deck and wrapped his heated blanket around the small pet carrier, put a different bed in it and I hope he'll use that. He needs a warm place to sleep at night because he is not a litter box kitty and he interrupts our sleep to have him in the house (how do you do it? He wakes me up, messing around in the house all night).

We had the same thing happen last year but there was a baby opossum in Roux's bed! LOL! He will not go back in his covered bed to this day even after washing it and getting it back out again this season. We have one of those quartz heaters on the back porch for our cats with two open beds that lay about 18" in front of it. They seem to be pretty toasty when I go check on them before I go to bed but we don't have the extreme cold down here that you all have to deal with. Roux would love to sleep in the house and does pretty well up until about 3:00 AM. If I have to get up and let him out at 3:00AM I would never get back to sleep so him sleeping inside at night is not an option for me. What I don't understand is how he can come in at 7:00 AM and sleep ALL DAY (never leaves his bed) and then get up and go outside around 5:00 PM but he cannot come in at 9:00 PM and sleep through the night? That nocturnal prowling around drive is so strong with cats.
Aaaw, poor Finn .. bed monster lurking?

I say that because we jokingly refer to hubby’s feet as the bed monster because Chimee loves to jump up on the bed and attack the bed monster through the doona

As you may remember, we have two indoor cats who have an outdoor enclosed run but they can not get to it at night time due to the fact that cane toads [poisonous] can get into it and I can not take the risk of one of the cats attacking one.

They are litter trained and have a litter box in the laundry. I have always used the crystals in their box as they really are the best at muffling the odour and easier to clean.

If one of us gets up during the night to go to the toilet Chimee thinks that when we go back to bed is a good time to insist on a cuddle and if his dad is away, Syba insists on sitting in the hallway howling at 4am; luckily hubby is not away often
But, in general, they do not really interrupt our sleep.

I know that Chimee plays with her toys overnight because they have moved but we do not hear her.

While neither of them sleep on our bed unless it is really cold, we do have to leave the bedroom door ajar or Chimee would just sit on the other side, knocking at it to come in
On that note, I have fond memories of being able to go to the toilet without someone sitting on the other side of the door, knocking
Sometime during the night, I heard a cat yowling, sort of like it was talking to itself, muttering over and over. In my semi-sleep, it didn't quite sound like Finn, certainly wasn't his usual "let-me-in" meow. DH told me that Finn was inside all night long so it was definitely another cat. Maybe that cat was inside his house and that's why he abandoned it.
Sometime during the night, I heard a cat yowling, sort of like it was talking to itself, muttering over and over. In my semi-sleep, it didn't quite sound like Finn, certainly wasn't his usual "let-me-in" meow. DH told me that Finn was inside all night long so it was definitely another cat. Maybe that cat was inside his house and that's why he abandoned it.

uh-oh - the word is out in the cat world. Your house is a great place to move in to!
Now that is how I'd like to be spending my Friday morning! Curled up and toasty warm. What a cat
When I found him, he was upside down with his front legs outstretched over his head. I didn't get my camera fast enough. You see he was in no hurry to move, though I'd bet he knew he was being a bad keeetay.

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