Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Quit working so hard! Take care of yourself and take time to take more pictures of Finn! I've sure enjoyed following your thread about him. I'm glad he has fit in with your family so well.
Quit working so hard! Take care of yourself and take time to take more pictures of Finn! I've sure enjoyed following your thread about him. I'm glad he has fit in with your family so well.

He is a hot mess, that cat. He is really the best cat for a cat hater like my husband, LOL.

We've heard cat fights two different nights and found that neither involved Finn, who last time was on the deck, the time before that, he came walking up the hill opposite to where the sound came from. Not sure if a cat is fighting another cat or something like a raccoon, but I always worry that something is trying to eat our Finnikins. Wouldn't want that, certainly, but we have so many predators here, he's quite the bullet-dodger.
You might need to crochet him a bullet-proof vest to keep him safe, lol.
Finn being my Livestock Guardian Cat today. He fell asleep watching Ida and her two 3 week old chicks free range. He never shows signs of going for the tiny chicks, though he could easily (well, maybe not easily-he'd have to get past big Ida) snatch a chick. He brought home a baby bunny the other day, poor thing had not a mark on it, but it had just died, probably of fright.

Finn being my Livestock Guardian Cat today. He fell asleep watching Ida and her two 3 week old chicks free range. He never shows signs of going for the tiny chicks, though he could easily (well, maybe not easily-he'd have to get past big Ida) snatch a chick. He brought home a baby bunny the other day, poor thing had not a mark on it, but it had just died, probably of fright.

I love your pictures of Finn! He's very photogenic.

(I once had a cat who used to eat baby bunnies feet first but leave the ears hanging out of his mouth for awhile - totally gross!)
My cat now, Loki, is an inside cat only even though I could really use an outside rodent-catcher. The chipmunk population is out of control. You would think the fox that has been camping out on my property all winter would help out in that area but I think he's holding out for a chicken dinner.
I love your pictures of Finn! He's very photogenic.

(I once had a cat who used to eat baby bunnies feet first but leave the ears hanging out of his mouth for awhile - totally gross!)
My cat now, Loki, is an inside cat only even though I could really use an outside rodent-catcher. The chipmunk population is out of control. You would think the fox that has been camping out on my property all winter would help out in that area but I think he's holding out for a chicken dinner.

Thanks, he is a very photogenic sorta guy isn't he? Here is a video of him being an LGC for Ida and her chicks. You can see him off to the upper left.
Finn being my Livestock Guardian Cat today. He fell asleep watching Ida and her two 3 week old chicks free range. He never shows signs of going for the tiny chicks, though he could easily (well, maybe not easily-he'd have to get past big Ida) snatch a chick. He brought home a baby bunny the other day, poor thing had not a mark on it, but it had just died, probably of fright.

That is a beautiful picture!
Last night's Finn adventure. Or maybe, cat adventure without Finn. I was in bed early, around 9 p.m. heard cats screaming, told DH who was wearing earphones. Went outside with flashlight. He was calling and calling Finn. No answer. Then, the light hit on something on the driveway, a coal black cat just sitting in the turnaround. He just sat the whole time the light was on him/her. We called Finn. Still never saw him. Eventually, the cat ran off, but Finn didn't show up until around 11 p.m., husband picked him up but he was antsy, wanted down, ran off again. This morning, he was in his condo and slept and slept...and slept. Was still in there around 11 a.m. DH found the back half of a rabbit in our walkway, same place he left the lizard guts so, at least, he wasn't hungry.

I have never seen the black cat. I've only seen a gray cat around here. No idea who the fighting involved.

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