Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Maybe the black cat was trying to poach his kill? You know we have Finn's twin, Roux but we also have a black tom named Mac as well. While Roux and Mac are buddies, they will fight over a kill. Maybe the cat fairy has sent you another kitty?
Maybe the black cat was trying to poach his kill? You know we have Finn's twin, Roux but we also have a black tom named Mac as well. While Roux and Mac are buddies, they will fight over a kill. Maybe the cat fairy has sent you another kitty?

No, no, no, no, not another cat. I like the Finnster, but another cat would probably not be as great as the Mighty Finn! You should have seen him the other day. Tom and I went down the hill, through our pasture to the lower lot we sold, collecting the Keep Out signs that had been blown down during the years. Finn went with us, at heel, all the way down, messed around while we stood talking and looking around, and walked back up the hill with us and through the gate, just like a well-behaved dog would have.

My nephew named his baby son Mac Thomas. It was his wife's grandfather's name. Big name for a little tyke.
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No, no, no, no, not another cat. I like the Finnster, but another cat would probably not be as great as the Mighty Finn! You should have seen him the other day. Tom and I went down the hill, through our pasture to the lower lot we sold, collecting the Keep Out signs that had been blown down during the years. Finn went with us, at heel, all the way down, messed around while we stood talking and looking around, and walked back up the hill with us and through the gate, just like a well-behaved dog would have.

My nephew named his baby son Mac Thomas. It was his wife's grandfather's name. Big name for a little tyke.

You are right he probably wouldn't be as great as Finn. That is the exact situation we have here. Mac is a sweet cat but he acts a little "tetched in the head" as my grandmother used to say. He has an imaginary friend that he plays with all the time.

Finn is making Orange Tabbys everywhere proud.
Perhaps Finn is just a "gateway cat". Next thing you know there will be zillions and you will be the CCCL (crazy cat and chicken lady).
Gateway cat? Ack! A friend of mine has 5 indoor ones and 2-3 outdoor ones and my dad, prior to his death, was feeding a bunch on his deck that kept breeding. It gave him something to do, probably felt like he was feeding barn cats again though he lived in the city. He died last summer and my sister, who has not sold the house yet, is still feeding them (she's a cat person). The new owners of the house may not be so inclined to feed a bunch of stray cats so I am a bit concerned. The shelter won't take them, overfull anyway.
See? Once you start they just keep coming. There is a secret mark that stray cats put on a house that says "easy touch lives here". Next thing you know you have 19 cats and a hoarding problem. They also start by sending in the "good cat" who suckers you into thinking that a cat might not be so bad. It's all downhill from there.

(says the woman who started with one and now has five because they KEEP SHOWING UP and won't leave!)
Cat-Hater bought Finn a couch. That's right, his own couch. Supposedly impregnated with catnip, who knows if it's really true, certainly overpriced though at Big Lots, but now, he can be a true couch kitty. That stuffed animal, I call "Lambie-Pie", belonged to one of my parents' toy poodles. Found it in the basement. If you squeeze its hindquarters, it will baaaaah-baaaah. Finn will often beat up Lambie-Pie in the morning when I'm still in bed. BAAAAH-baaaaah-BAAAAAAH-baaaaah, on and on and least he's lost his electronic mouse somewhere.

Cat-Hater bought Finn a couch. That's right, his own couch. Supposedly impregnated with catnip, who knows if it's really true, certainly overpriced though at Big Lots, but now, he can be a true couch kitty. That stuffed animal, I call "Lambie-Pie", belonged to one of my parents' toy poodles. Found it in the basement. If you squeeze its hindquarters, it will baaaaah-baaaah. Finn will often beat up Lambie-Pie in the morning when I'm still in bed. BAAAAH-baaaaah-BAAAAAAH-baaaaah, on and on and least he's lost his electronic mouse somewhere.

Love this!!! I can't show this pic to Roux, he will be jealous. Lol

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