Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

All he is missing is the tv remote, lol. I'd say that's one satisfied looking cat! Nice job on the mini-quilt.

Shhhhh! Don't say that too loudly! He'll be pushing buttons and mess up Dad's satellite system!
Finn was the star of my latest game camera download. There were more than this, him coming and going, but he obviously caught a few things. The time stamp has a.m. and p.m. switched, sorry about that.

Wonder if he caught this rabbit.

and this a.m., I found him laying next to the brooder which will house my Brahma chicks, due to start pipping today sometime. He saw the Barred Rock chicks in there just a week ago so he knows chicks go in there. Guess he takes his LGC duties seriously. Normally, he goes in that room and meows to tell on himself because he knows he's not allowed in my craft room, but he just laid down next to the brooder and was chilling there. Wonder if he hears cheeping from the eggs that I can't hear?

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Mangy black cat was roawing outside on the deck this a.m.. Finn was in his condo. I knew it wasn't Finn's voice I heard (was in bed still, window open behind my head). I heard DH say, "Well, what are you?" The cat seems to be infested with mites or fleas, doesn't appear healthy, seems hungry. I know I've heard and seen it before around here, but Finn doesn't like it and just zipped into the house rather than engage it. Good call, Finn. Maybe we should put it out of its misery, poor nasty thing. Makes me glad Finn has had all his shots and gets flea drops monthly.
Fun to see Finn's night photos!

Funny that the game cam was up in that location for maybe 2 weeks w/o him being in it until this last download.

Early this a.m., heard a fox alarm-barking and something running through the leaves not far from the house. Maybe a coyote was after the fox, no idea, but I jumped up to ask DH if Finn was inside. He was sound asleep in DH's recliner, having come in around 4 a.m.
Glad Finn was safe inside. Would he mess with a fox or a coyote?
What a sweet looking kitty!! I found a stray cat a few years ago in front of a gas station... he was a buff tabby and he was a amazing cat! I had to leave him when I moved to WV though :(

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