Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Finn has been caught on game camera a few times, as well as that nasty black cat that I thought was gone. Yesterday, I picked up the long piece of perforated drain pipe that is in the ditch that drains away and down the slope from the concrete gutters which surround the chicken barn. It was packed tightly with dirt on the end I could see, which seemed odd. It gets dirt and leaves in it, sure, but this was completely packed in. I pulled it out of the ditch it was snugged-down into and began shaking it. The dirt began falling out and acorns fell out the other end, TONS of acorns. The pipe seemed very heavy, more than it should be. I couldn't figure how that much dirt got so far down into it, but I kept shaking and and a big RAT fell out! Ack! It ran up the hill and under the gate and as it scooted under the old coop on the low end, out of nowhere zooms Finn. I didn't even know he was around. He didn't get it before it got under the building, which is too low on that side for him to go under, so he shot around to the higher side and right under the coop. I never saw him come out so not sure if he got it, but he was hot on the trail! GO, FINNERS!

I haven't seen a rat around here in literally years until yesterday. He thought he'd found a cozy new home, I guess. Um, nope.

Trail cam Finn pics, plus black cat.

Oh, and the Finn Grin!
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Got them posts (741) all done, A very nice story about a Cat-hater AKA The Finn Lover and the Finn!
Thanks for doing Finn's story.

Got them posts (741) all done, A very nice story about a Cat-hater AKA The Finn Lover and the Finn!
Thanks for doing Finn's story.


Scott! I didn't know you were a cat person! Thanks for checking in with the Finn and me. He's been a cool cat to have around here. But, he keeps hubby on his toes, that's for sure. Thanks for reading Finn's story.
I think most anyone could become a cat person after reading Finn's story, he's an interesting character that's for sure. Hi @scottcaddy
I started out with the Hay barn and Milking Parlor cats back in the 50's and My DW had cats when I meet her in 76, so I have had/owned-by cats again ever since.
We have Horses, Dogs, Cats, Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens, Pigeons and Grand-Babies here.
I guess you could say I like critters somewhat.


We have only Finn and the chickens (is that a 50's pop group?), but there's plenty of chaos here, as much as we can handle!
Happy New Year from the Finnikins! He is having a mad love affair with my shoes. He is not supposed to be in that room and he knows it.

Happy new year to Finn, you & the former cat hater!

(I bet knowing that room is forbidden makes it even more tantalizing to Finn, lol)
Happy new year to Finn, you & the former cat hater!

(I bet knowing that room is forbidden makes it even more tantalizing to Finn, lol)

Yes, Cat Hater has a pair of jeans that was on the dresser folded and somehow fell off onto the floor. That is Finn's second favorite place to nap, on top of the jeans on the floor. Ask me why DH never picked them up. Go ahead and ask me. Bet you can guess. Anyway, he closed the door on that room last night when I went to bed because I did not want Finn to play with the cut quilt pieces I had hanging over the ironing board. This morning, he said that Finn was meowing and he did not see Finn right away, not at any of the exit doors. He found him sitting by my craft room door, begging to go in to see my shoes and Dad's jeans. Silly cat.

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