Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Once he learns how to use a litter box and once you trap the other cat, he could go back to going out for short periods, or even most of the day, or whatever, if you don't want to make him fully indoor, but he does need to learn how to use one so if you ever need to keep him in then you can.

And I do think making the inside interesting and enriching with some cat toys and tunnels and such might help him to get used to it and be less bored. Maybe get him some catnip. Or heck, even just a cardboard box. :lau

Catnip might help him want to stay inside, good idea. He is just sleeping on top of a box under a table near my husband's computer, has been most all day. He hasn't asked to go out at all. Now, to figure out how to get a trap. Guess we could just buy a new one from TSC or something.
Catnip might help him want to stay inside, good idea. He is just sleeping on top of a box under a table near my husband's computer, has been most all day. He hasn't asked to go out at all. Now, to figure out how to get a trap. Guess we could just buy a new one from TSC or something.

Yeah, my cat goes crazy for the stuff haha and aww poor guy is probably tired!! I know with my cat she would rather have a cardboard box than any toy lol

Although if Finn is into playing, mine loves those fleece toys they sell, the fleece strip wand thing, and the dental chew mice. But I know my orange boy was a lover not a fighter and would rather sleep lol this cat likes playing and hunting but also sleeps a lot. But she's a girl and I think girls ar emore active.

And yeah, the hav a hearts aren't too bad at TSC if you get the small size. Or maybe check Craigslist? Idk if you have anyone near you
Cats love boxes lol

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Cynthia, sorry to hear about Finn getting into another scrap. Trapping does sound like a good way to get rid of the intruder.

Best wishes it all works out soonest :hugs
There are soo Many unwanted cats,I think you need mouse r.

That's what my cat, Finn, is. He came to us as a stray and we had him neutered and get his shots ever year. But these dumped strays keep beating up on him. I can't have that continue this way. He has not been to the bathroom since we got him back the house at 4 a.m. yesterday. He has been sleeping constantly, though he finally came out and ate a few bites, then went back to sleep. I don't find any obvious terrible wounds so either he is just very sore or he is hurt internally.
Next time he gets up, try picking him up and setting him in the kitty litter box. he might need reminding where it is or maybe he's too sore to get to it. Don't let him out! Injured cats will go hide somewhere and you may not be able to find him.
I hope he comes around soon. :hugs
Next time he gets up, try picking him up and setting him in the kitty litter box. he might need reminding where it is or maybe he's too sore to get to it. Don't let him out! Injured cats will go hide somewhere and you may not be able to find him.
I hope he comes around soon. :hugs

I'd done that numerous times with no luck, but the suggestion of the catnip was a success! I got a small bag of the ground stuff, plus a tiny spray bottle of the liquid today at Walmart. This was the first time we left him in the house when we were gone. He stayed on the couch the entire time. I spritzed the dirt/cat litter mixture (we did get more litter today, though) with the catnip essence and I took him over there. He began sniffing the dirt and I went to continue putting away the groceries. When I looked over, he was squatted in the litter pan! Thank you, @KDOGG331 for suggesting the catnip! :ya

Still need to get a trap. Do you think if we show him the trap and how it snaps shut, he'll stay away from it? I don't want him getting caught in it if he goes outside eventually. I want him to have a healthy fear of traps because when and if we manage to eliminate the problem cat, he will most likely be back out doing what he loves, catching mice.
I'd done that numerous times with no luck, but the suggestion of the catnip was a success! I got a small bag of the ground stuff, plus a tiny spray bottle of the liquid today at Walmart. This was the first time we left him in the house when we were gone. He stayed on the couch the entire time. I spritzed the dirt/cat litter mixture (we did get more litter today, though) with the catnip essence and I took him over there. He began sniffing the dirt and I went to continue putting away the groceries. When I looked over, he was squatted in the litter pan! Thank you, @KDOGG331 for suggesting the catnip! :ya

Still need to get a trap. Do you think if we show him the trap and how it snaps shut, he'll stay away from it? I don't want him getting caught in it if he goes outside eventually. I want him to have a healthy fear of traps because when and if we manage to eliminate the problem cat, he will most likely be back out doing what he loves, catching mice.

Yay! That's awesome! So glad the catnip worked! :celebrate

Hopefully he'll continue using the box!

He seems like a smart cat so that should hopefully work but whatever bait you put in there might prove too tempting if he's very interested in food? Maybe you could let him get trapped or set him in there and let him out immediately? You don't want to scar him, of course, and if he's the type to be easily traumatized then don't do it but it might make the lesson sink in a little better rather than just watching it shut? Like realizing he could get trapped might make him more afraid? Idk if that makes sense. And of course, again, if he's gonna be traumatized and go hide or be scared or hate you, etc. Then don't do it.
I found a wound on his side, a puncture that looked like it was getting infected and that I am now treating. If it gets bad, I guess I'll have to get more antibiotics for him, but he cannot live on meds like that. He's not been outside since that last fight and has been using the litter box against his will, LOL.

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