
name: Brenden
age: 14
school: Homeschooled
power: Pretends to be cool
description: Short. Black hair and blue eyed.
rank: Ordinary
other: He's an only child. His mother is always super worried that he'd get hurt or something, and his father is super cool.
name: Lemon (real name is Clem, but no one calls her that)
age: 15
school: Stillwater
power: manipulation of the mind.
description: brown hair. Normal eye color is brown. Almost always wearing some kind of yellow. She is still learning how to fully control her powers.
rank: second-class
other: her eyes turn gold whenever she uses her power.
(accepted :thumbsup )
name: Rachel
age: 15
school: Stillwater
power: Teleportation
description: Wavy brown hair and brown eyes. She seems to wear a lot of blue and black.
rank: Second-Class
other: (extra information you want to share.) Is pretty good with her powers.
name: Kane emmers
age: 17
school: elm academy
power: can manipulate energy within living things and natural energy such as electricity and heat energy. Can also absorb it into his body
description: he is a tall blond with green eyes. Usually wearing a red T-shirt with jeans. He has one cross earring on his left ear.
rank: king??
other: his father was strict with training from an early age. With every lesson, he drilled into him, the strong rules the weak. Even his mom wasn't an exception. He ruled over her with an iron fist. He has two younger siblings, which he does his best to shield from their abusive father. He has a close relationship with them because of that.
He has an earring?🤔

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