Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

Wow, great info! Thanks so much for sharing
Oh, yes - this is chunky boysenberry -- I just smush down the berries and cook it up!
Do you want artificial sweeteners, or is she used to a reduced-sugar jam?
You should have gotten a half pint of the butterscotch peach (please double check -- I did check twice, but heaven knows what all this sugar is doing to my brain) ... but I have you down for a pint more and one each of the two rhubarbs!
You should have gotten a half pint of the butterscotch peach (please double check -- I did check twice, but heaven knows what all this sugar is doing to my brain) ... but I have you down for a pint more and one each of the two rhubarbs!

and my mind is dead from the heat and this insane week I've had. I will go through it again but yes, please keep me down for another pint and the rhubarbs. I love rhubarb so if you don't sell out at the swap, I'll be gobbling them up!
Alright, something weird is going on in my chicken run!
A couple of days ago I found what looked like a tunnel. Looked like something had dug (under all my fencing and concrete! couldn't have been an easy task!)
and had left this 'tunnel'. I turned the hose on, flooded it and filled it in with these huge river rocks. What ever it is, it isn't going after the chickens. Nobody is missing, damaged or bleeding. Kind of forgot about it, till this morning. Around the same area, just over a few inches from where I put all those rocks, was a tunnel!! Again, I filled it full of rocks. (I knew there would be a use for all these darn rocks.
Ground is full of them.) So does anyone know what this could be??
And should I be worried it will go after the chickens sooner or later??!!
Back when I lived in the midwest we would get crawl-dads that did this. But we had creeks and ponds. (no water here)
Moles? Will they go after chickens? I thought I had covered just about anything that would try and get in the run.
I can't fight if I don't know what it is... Help! I was just starting to sleep without worrying about my babies.
They love it out there, I don't think they (or my husband
) really want to come back in the house! If it is something that is just nosy and won't hurt or go after the chickens, I'll just keep filling in the holes(tunnels) and not worry. BUT!! I don't want anything eating my chickens!!!!!

My first thought would be a rat but only because I had one tunneling underneath my coop like that. Didn't bother the chickens, just came out to eat any scraps or food they might have dropped. I would set a trap at night after the chickens are in the coop. It took my husband a month but he finally caught it.
My first thought would be a rat but only because I had one tunneling underneath my coop like that. Didn't bother the chickens, just came out to eat any scraps or food they might have dropped. I would set a trap at night after the chickens are in the coop. It took my husband a month but he finally caught it.

Hadn't thought of a rat. You would think with all the cats in the neighborhood we wouldn't have any. You would not believe what my husband just said!!!!!!
I was telling him about the rat. (now you have to understand, this man is strickly a city person.) First he looks at me (with a scared face
) WE HAVE RATS?? he screams. Then a few minutes of explaining...No (he says) it just moles. (now the unbelievable part.)
"Tonight when you go out to check the hens, PEE in the hole." (Wha..What??!!) He tells me he has read somewhere if you pee in the mole hole, they will go away. (Now I look at him..
) "Jim, I'm a girl. I don't think I can hit such a small hole. You will have to do that."
Oh (he
smiled at me) I guess you are right, I forgot." MEN!!! What was he thinking??!??
My first thought would be a rat but only because I had one tunneling underneath my coop like that. Didn't bother the chickens, just came out to eat any scraps or food they might have dropped. I would set a trap at night after the chickens are in the coop. It took my husband a month but he finally caught it.

Hadn't thought of a rat. You would think with all the cats in the neighborhood we wouldn't have any. You would not believe what my husband just said!!!!!!
I was telling him about the rat. (now you have to understand, this man is strickly a city person.) First he looks at me (with a scared face
) WE HAVE RATS?? he screams. Then a few minutes of explaining...No (he says) it just moles. (now the unbelievable part.)
"Tonight when you go out to check the hens, PEE in the hole." (Wha..What??!!) He tells me he has read somewhere if you pee in the mole hole, they will go away. (Now I look at him..
) "Jim, I'm a girl. I don't think I can hit such a small hole. You will have to do that."
Oh (he
smiled at me) I guess you are right, I forgot." MEN!!! What was he thinking??!??


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