Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!


Queen of the Zoo
11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
Philomath, Oregon

, October 22 at GUERBER HALL - Benton County Fairgrounds in Corvallis, Oregon 11am - 4pm
Camping is available http://www.bentoncountyfair.net/oaks/



Latest Bringing/Wanting list on page 316 (post #3152) FINAL UPDATED LIST!

Quilt block swap information on page 73

Flyer: Please download, copy and distribute everywhere and anywhere!

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I'm so TOTALLY in this time around... I mean it's in my own backyard. I can't say no!

I'd love to help organize or strategize, or whatever you need help with. Count me in.
I'm not buying or selling at this one....just sitting and talking! I didn't get to do enough of that at the spring swap. I'm pooped.
That would be awesome, thank you! I'm going to give everyone a couple days rest and then we can start pulling the plans together!
I am with you! I wanted to talk to so many people but just couldn't. I'm going to do cheesecakes of course, and my Serama hatching eggs, but that's it. I want to socialize...and not have to pay people to take my roosters
It was so totally worth those two cheesecakes though!


Dominiques, Orpingtons and Americaunas
- Hatching eggs... These will probably be fall breeding pens by then
- Chicks (I'll hatch them about a month before the swap, I hope, so will be nearly feathered out)
- Started Laying Pullets
- Meat Cockerels.. Eating birds, delicious, free range birds that will be great size for eating by fall swap time!
- Breeding Pullets - we will be hatching more eggs here soon, and should have several extra pullets of each breed to bring to the fall swap.
- Breeding Cockerels - we breed to standard and will have more cockerels than we need for our programs.

I will hatch out chicks of a breed of your choice. I'll try first to find local hatching eggs, but might ship them in if I can't find a breeder to meet me at one of the shows here in the Northwest. Will raise them at least a month before swap, but I have to know way ahead of time to make the connections. I only like to buy show quality/breeder quality eggs, and I prefer hatching American and heritage English birds, but wouldn't mind doing a few other breeds. Please no silkies!
Prices will vary - cost of the eggs, age of the chicks by the swap, etc. I do keep track of all my expenses including electric for incubating and brooding, so I know what my bottom line is per day, varying a small amount with feed efficiency of the chicks.


- Always want show/breeder quality hatching eggs, I love American and English breeds, heritage is always good

- Food to can/preserve! I will have a first year garden this year, so I'm looking for fruits/veggies to preserve - would like to buy in bulk!
- Might consider a nice B/B/S Orpington pullet or two, nice large show/breeder quality birds
- A nice Blue Americauna pullet with lines to compliment what Rhonda's got already... please email me - my inbox is super full!
OK Here goes. Since I was next to you at the Spring Swap WallTenters I have to put in my 2 cents worth now!!

It was such a great day and so very much fun, and my only regret was that I was by myself at my booth and I didn't have enough time to go around
and really talk to all of you, besides a passing introduction. I hope to remedy that at this next one.


Silkie chicks
Silkie pullets
hatching eggs
BCM roosters
started pullets
extra feeders/waterers


Show/Breeder Quality Silkies - Pullets, Hens and Chicks PM me with what you have
BCM hatching eggs
Silkie hatching eggs

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