Oregon Spring Chicken Swap!! SAT, April 24!! Albany OR **UPDATED MAP*

Really? I just looked at the weather channel and it said only mostly cloudy and 60 degrees. I think you need to find another weather place
Looked at weather.com. Says 30% chance rain from like midnight tonight till 6am tomorrow. So it should be clear by the time the meet starts. Wonder if I should see if I can't catch me a fish in that pond. LOL
Yeah I saw the 30% but I don't even pay attention to anything below 70%. I figure we always have rain showers in the spring over night. I say go for it with the fish
Lol yeah isn't that the truth! I don't think we are going to have rain...not one site I've checked says rain so that is all I care about it!
LOL about th3 30%. Once I went fishing when all it said wa 20% chance till one. Got there at one and it rained for all 3 hours!!!

As another side note:

Had a coworker ask me to bring them back a young birds available for the table, of the non cornish x kind, if possible, else the regular meat kind is fine. So if anyone has any for the purpose, let me know.
I have a beautiful Bev Davis egg eater... Fatter n a hog!!! She would be good eatins... DANG THING!!! She is the Bomb for looks and conformation and a dark egg layer if you can catch em before she eats em.
No meat chickens here, lol as everyone already knows

I have an update from Kelly (from Craigslist): She is not sure what time she will get to the swap since she is working, but she is looking for an EE (green eggs) and a Wyandotte - both pullets or hens. If anyone is bringing some of these that aren't already spoken for, let me know if you can and I'll get the message to her. She is going to try and get there as early as she can, but she couldn't commit to a time yet - just that she is definitely coming.

Sun is out bright here in Philomath
and it's very warm!
someone wants a nice breeder or eater is makes no skinny to me....

just don't tell me.

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