Oregon Spring Chicken Swap!! SAT, April 24!! Albany OR **UPDATED MAP*


Queen of the Zoo
11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
Philomath, Oregon
Oregon Spring Chicken Swap
Saturday, April 24th - 11:00 am
Albany, Oregon
Timber Linn Park

Timber Linn Park is just East of I-5 at exit No. 233


Directions if you are coming from North of Albany:
Take Albany Exit 233. As you come around the exit you will turn Right (East) on Santiam Hwy. Cross over I-5 and turn right on to Price Rd. Timber Linn Park is on Price Rd.

Directions if you are coming from South of Albany:
Take Albany Exit 233. As you come around the exit you will turn Left (East) on Santiam Hwy. Turn right on to Price Rd (first turn you can make). Timber Linn Park is on Price Rd.

If possible, please let us know what you'll be bringing (or might be bringing) so we can keep a list.

**edited to add date/time/location

After the last one back in October (held in Albany, OR), I know there was some mention/interest in having one this spring. Is anyone interested? I'm pretty open to dates and places but would really love to get one put together. I'll even have chicks/chickens to bring this time

Give me your feedback and let's see what we can make happen!
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I am very interested. Depending on if & when you all decide I should have polish & EE bantam chicks that I could bring. Let's hope we hear from others.
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Yes, let's hope! I'd love some Polish chicks if you do end up having them. I will only have cockerels (at the moment) - standard and bantam.

Anyone else????
Hey, I am up for that! I have a lot of good stuff to trade. Zoo Mummzy, I should have a Silkie pullet or two for you by then if you are still looking and I can bring some goat cheese and crackers too! I will have two types of quail, purebred cuckoo Marans chicks, possibly some turkey poults, Speckled Sussex Chicks, Bantam Cochin Chicks, ducklings, goslings, possibly a few Barnvelder chicks, SQ Ameraucana chicks, Exhibition Buff Orpington chicks, regular Buff Orpington Chicks, Standard Blue/ Splash/ Lavender Cochin chicks, guinea keets and more....
Looking for Speckled Sussex hens/ pullets, pheasants, female peafowl, Wyandottes in Blue laced red, Columbian and Silver laced, Rhode Island Reds, Buckeyes, Mille Fleur Leghorns, SQ Blue, black or splash Silkies and Buff Orpington pullets.
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Awesome Jen! I was just thinking about writing you and getting some goat cheese
I'll make sure I put in an order before the swap! As for the Silkies, lol you know me...I love them. What colors do you think they'll be? I just got a couple blue girls...love them!
A lot of your other ones sound interesting too!

Let's do this! What month should we look at and should we try for Albany again or???

I will be able to bring:

6 young cockerels from my Golden Laced Cochin Bantam rooster....3 of them are crossed with a standard EE hen and the other 3 my little Black Japanese hen.

I also had a fairly large hatch from Pamperedpoultry's eggs in January that include the following cockerels:

1 self blue OEGB, 2 spangled OEGBs, 5 barred OEGBs, at least 1, maybe 2 black bantam cochins, possibly a mottled Frizzle and a couple black smooth Sizzles (still waiting to confirm the sex on the Frizzle and Sizzles) and maybe a lavender cochin (still waiting to sex this one too).
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That would be great!!! I didn't have any chickens to bring in the fall....I just brought 5 gallon buckets of pears
I've been thinking about a chicken tractor so I'd love to see you come. I'm just waiting to hear what month people would like to do this and then we can set a date. I want to make sure everyone will have their chicks ready.

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