Oregon Spring Poultry Swap May 5, 2012 in Canby!!!

[[[[[[.........a breed of duck that is medium to large sized, good layers and foragers, and the drakes take care of their girls, and don't attack other males viciously? .............. I am tired of hearing hens crying out all day because they are being pursued relentlessly.......]]]]]]]

Pursuing relentlessly is exactly the way ducks do it. That's the way ducks mate. If the drakes aren't pursuing, the ducks will go and provoke them into pursuing.

For less pursuing per duck, you keep the number of drakes low. That doesn't slow the drakes down, it just spreads the attention out further. Or if you don't want to hatch ducklings, you don't keep any drake at all.

I keep Appleyards and they are excellent layers and very laid back. "Fighting" so far has consisted of leaning against each other and pushing until it is established who is stronger and then it is over. They are also active foragers and great grasshopper control.

I also have Swedish and they are higher energy, lighter weight (medium size), not quite as consistent with the egg laying, although they have been laying all spring. There has been some feather pulling and neck wrestling with the drakes. No actual harm done. Ducks just aren't mean to each other like chickens are. Swedish forage well and are active, so they are great bug control, because they can catch the fast moving bugs.

I am trying to think of any breed of duck that doesn't forage well and eat bugs. I'm drawing a blank. They all forage well and they all eat bugs.

Note: I've had ducks from a hatchery that had miserable temperaments, so it matters a great deal where you get your ducks. For good temperament, go to a breeder who breeds for temperament.
[peacedove, I have one drake and 7 hens, they are Muscovy/khaki Campbells' Duckling are a cross breed Muscovy Water Foul and khaki Campbells' Duck (khaki Campbell is Mallard, Indian Runner Duck Cross) making the resulting ducklings "Mules", meaning that when the ducklings grow up they are unable to reproduce fertile eggs, the females can lay eggs most every day,like a chicken. Our Muscovy/khaki Campbells' Duckling are three weeks old. Here is a picture of their parents, and them. You can PM me if you want to meet at swap as I am bringing them. Carol- BYC as Chicks In Roseburg"]

[Pursuing relentlessly is exactly the way ducks do it. That's the way ducks mate. If the drakes aren't pursuing, the ducks will go and provoke them into pursuing.
Note: I've had ducks from a hatchery that had miserable temperaments, so it matters a great deal where you get your ducks. For good temperament, go to a breeder who breeds for temperament.]

Thank you for the duck info ~ I feel much better informed. I had forgotten that I had a khaki campbell experience 2 years ago, and appreciate knowing crossing Muscovy makes mules. I do have a fascination with Muscovy ducks, since I grew up with them, but we never had more than 2 or 3. I did get a Muscovy at the last swap, and I gave her to my daughter in town, because she is so sweet, but wanted nothing to do with the existing flock. I may wait for eggs from her and the Ancona/Runner drake she is with, who is also very sweet, since my daughter hand raised him.

I have to ruminate on the information I have received before I am ready to commit to anything. Thank you thank you thank you. I also don't know if I will have room to bring home anymore birds, unless I sell/trade more than I bring :)
Can anyone recommend a breed of duck that is medium to large sized, good layers and foragers, and the drakes take care of their girls, and don't attack other males viciously? My experience has been with Ancona, Runner Duck, and Runner duck mixes. I am tired of hearing hens crying out all day because they are being pursued relentlessly. It is 1 drake and 6 hens. We want ducks for laying, and really only need one drake at a time to keep the population going. Any ideas?

In the meantime, I have an Ancona drake, 2yo, to trade or sell for $5.

Here's my update:
peacedove -
- 9+ pullet mixes, 8 - 15 mo. avail. IMMEDIATELY $10 or open to trade. Breeds mixed are LF Salmon Faverolle, Blue Andalusian, Egyptian Fayoumis, White Splash Cuckoo Marans, & Minorca. If you have a specific interest PM me. Otherwise I will bring what I have room for.
- Male Gray Cockatiel about 3 yo?, I adopted him about a year and a half ago ~ Cuckoo is a Pretty Bird ~ whistles, talks,loves attention (talking to, not handling) and live jam sessions (he will make lots of happy sounds, which isn't always appreciated by all, but he has a lot of fun!). He prefers not to share really close quarters with other birds. He likes to have his space, and when he has that he seems to get along just fine with others. He has been housed with another cockatiel, and a pair of budgies and white doves. Cuckoo is a hand fed bird that has not been handled in awhile, but where he used to live he had free flight times and he always came back to his cage. He is very personable, and looking for a good home to take him in.

- for WiseAcreBantams, 1 pink and white brimmed beanie
- for SkyeSchazade, 2 pullets, 1 White/Blue And. mix and 1 Fayoumis mix
- for KermitsMom, 2 pullets, 1 Blue Andalusian mix, 1 Salmon Fav mix
- Male Lutino/White Cockatiel ~ Lilu ~ hatched spring 2011, not hand fed, and handled very little, bought as a companion for Cuckoo. Very pretty bird that we hoped was a she, but is not. Lilu likes to be talked to and comes up to the cage front to listen. He does not like to be handled, and we
don't push him. Paid $65 for him, and if I could re-home him for $25 that would be awesome.
- Triple Roof Parakeet Cage by Prevue, Dimensions: 26" L x 14" D x 22 ½" wire spacing. Used gently approx. Best Offer ONLY AFTER Birds have been re-homed. I will use this cage to bring them to the swap if I still have them.
- 2yo white and black Ancona Drake, FREE
I also have his mate, a pure lavender colored? Ancona hen I could part with for $30 if you take the drake. I like the hen, and she lays HUGE eggs, but I really want the drake to go.
- Plant starts: Yarrow, Lemon Balm, various Mint Varieties
3-4" square pots with at least 3 starts, $1
Mint in water sprouting, or with roots established, 3/$1
- Assorted seeds, including tomato
- Sunchoke/Jeruselum Artichoke tubers, ready to eat or plant.
pictures are in my Spring Poultry Swap folder and Default folder

from Zanna, 3mo. Welsummer Roo
from Sumatra503, Spiral leg bands
from SkyeSchazade, 3 Australorp chicks
from KermitsMom, 2 roos
from WhistleCreek, Ameraucana hen
from WiseAcreFarms, 1 doz. Lavender Silkie hatching eggs
LF Faverolle chicks at least 8 weeks by swap
(I need to trade for the majority of my purchases. There will be exceptions, but I won't know what they are until I get a great offer, lol)
I have 6 Khaki Cambell, one of them crested. Not sure on sex though they are 8 Weeks. I have gotten to many complaints that they are to loud and if i get another complaint it will be $500 ticket every complaint, there is no reasoning with the neighbor he complains about every little thing, we will be moving soon but until we find a house i need them to find a home where people like him aren't. there is nothing against having ducks here only the unnecessary noise ordinance. apparently they disturb his afternoon nap.
let me know if your interested I know you already have an offer.
To add to the list, I will bring silkie roosters freeto great homes, nice birds, also show quality if you cantact me please. Ihope I'm posting this correct, sorry if not.
Free Silkie Roosters, all colors, all nice and healthy! Good pet homes only
Will bring eggs out of show stock, write for photos of show Silkies.
My nice big list of what I was planning on bringing is getting smaller by the day. That newest Crud-cold/bronchitis thing has really knocked this old woman for a loop so there is no way to catch up. I will be there and bring the birds and eggs that have been requested and as many other nicer offerings as I can get ready.

I am going to have about a dozen Ancona duckings (week old) that are heavily marked in both chocolate and black. These are a light duck and easy to carry/handle and lay a nice egg for cooking -- about the size of a Jumbo egg. I may bring a carton of Aust Spotted hatching eggs for those that might want a bantam duck and chicken-size "americana" (sic) minty colored egg =:~)

Still want:
Exhibition-style Buff Orps
wish could get cheesecake =:~)
the Ancona pair
jams, jellies, honey

My nice big list of what I was planning on bringing is getting smaller by the day. That newest Crud-cold/bronchitis thing has really knocked this old woman for a loop so there is no way to catch up. I will be there and bring the birds and eggs that have been requested and as many other nicer offerings as I can get ready.

I am going to have about a dozen Ancona duckings (week old) that are heavily marked in both chocolate and black. These are a light duck and easy to carry/handle and lay a nice egg for cooking -- about the size of a Jumbo egg. I may bring a carton of Aust Spotted hatching eggs for those that might want a bantam duck and chicken-size "americana" (sic) minty colored egg =:~)

Still want:
Exhibition-style Buff Orps
wish could get cheesecake =:~)
the Ancona pair
jams, jellies, honey

How much for the Aust Spotted eggs?

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