Orphaned 4 week old Wild Mallard

Just a kid

7 Years
Mar 7, 2016
For years wild Mallards have come to our yard to nest and raise their ducklings. We have a rather large pond and several ditches where multiple mothers will come and raise their babies. Our yard is a very safe environment and we enjoy watching the babies grow up.

About four weeks ago our first batch of duckings were born but sadly in the first day the mother wandered into our neighbors yard and her dog killed eight of them, leaving her with only one. For about a week things were ok, the mother stayed with her baby, but after a few days she left him alone. Since then my family has been keeping an eye out for the baby and trying our best to feed him a couple times a day. He was doing really good for the first week, surprisingly the male ducks stayed with him and kept him close.

About a week ago another mother showed up with her own babies and since then she has taken to attacking th little orphaned duck when she sees him. The other males have stopped spending time with him and he is pretty much left on his own most of the day. We weren’t thinking of taking him in because he was doing so good on his own. He forages, hides from the other mothers, and is an extremely good diver.

I’m just wondering if there is anything more we can do for him. I don’t want to remove him from the yard until I know that he needs help. He seems to trust us quite a bit and comes very close. Yesterday he seemed a little beat up after a tussle with one of the mothers but seems fine today. Does anyone have any advice for me and my family?
We have done research into a local bird sanctuary, but he seems to be doing pretty well right now. Our local sanctuary is usually overrun with mallard ducklings this time of year. Of course, if he shows any signs of needing help we’ll take him.
Thanks for all the help! I was just wondering if there was more I could be doing! Thanks everyone!
I would take him in. I've researched a lot on this topic and made a PowerPoint about it.
Try to handle him as little as possible. Give him plenty of outside time. You can give him a pool to swim in that's safe from turtles and fish too. Just be aware that he's just getting his oil gland and still doesn't have adult feathers. You can put a mirror and fuzzy blanket or hat in the brooder too.

Here are a few slides:



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