orphaned gosling*NEW PICTURES*

I have a orphaned goose that is now 4 yrs old. Your guy actually looks just like my domestic goslings that are ebdam and touloose. My orphaned guy was just like yours- veeerrry needy but oh sooo cute! I finially decided to put him in w/ my 5-6 week old chicks. I have a larger brooder and the chicks weren't neediing as much heat by then so it worked out perfectly. Goslings don't need as much heat. I would advise you to put henry in w/ the ducklings. You can maybe put chicken wire between Henry and the other guys until they get used to each other? But, my little guy was fine w/ my much older chicks, just a few pecks at first. I fed my baby goose the unmedicated poultry/gamebird mash that the chicks were eating. "Meeps" is still very bonded to me and quite tame, but he lives w/ the chickens and freeranges around w/ them!
I raised a Canada goose last spring. Her parents met an untimely end and she had no one else. I don't recall the goose having a small appetite. The chick starter feed worked for us. A week later I got 4 ducks and there was no issue with introducing them. In fact the goose was the alpha of the pack until she flew away come fall.
The goose would follow me around and would sleep on my feet when she was tired, I was her momma. She would also complain if I left her alone but I was almost ready to have a real human baby at that time so I didn't have much of a choice. Once intro'd to the duck babies she was much happier.

Your gosling looks almost identical to my baby Canada goose.
the plan is to wait and see what kind of goose that Henry is before I worry about the DNR. I am certified to rehabilitate opossums and raccoons and squirrels - and within the group that I have my certification under, there are plenty that do waterfowl that I can contact to give him to.

What I want to do is let Henry grow a little and let him buddy up with the muscovy-cross duckling that I have. Right now, "Doodle" thinks he is a snack. As soon as he is big enough to defend himself, I think they can be buddies.

No appetite problems any more. Henry is eating and eating and eating the crumbles and loves grass.
And hair. He loves to chew on hair. I bought several dog toys yesterday for him to try and find something he can do with that bill besides pull my hair.

Yesterday evening, I DID smuggle him (inside his travel bag) into the resturant....heh heh heh

Happy Easter everyone!
That's no Canada Goose gosling...

Looks to be a farm type gray goose from the photos. As such, there is no need to get the DNR involved, it's a domestic bird and not subject to their regulations.

Dr. Todd :

That's no Canada Goose gosling...

Looks to be a farm type gray goose from the photos. As such, there is no need to get the DNR involved, it's a domestic bird and not subject to their regulations.


Well, thats the best news ever!!!
Well, thats the best news ever!!!

You will have to see what it grows into.
You never really know with goslings unless you bred them yourself!

This is indeed good news to hear, but other people have told you the opposite as well.
Take everything into consideration (and with a grain of salt... this is the internet after all).

How is your little boy doing today?
Well, thats the best news ever!!!

You will have to see what it grows into.
You never really know with goslings unless you bred them yourself!

This is indeed good news to hear, but other people have told you the opposite as well.
Take everything into consideration (and with a grain of salt... this is the internet after all).

How is your little boy doing today?

Time will tell what Henry is, indeed. As for now, he is a little baby on my lap. We had a great day, took him to my daughters for Easter dinner. He was a huge success. I have graduated him to a very small animal carrier- which he hates hates hates. lol. We spent almost all day outside, while he ate grass..pooped...ate more grass...pooped some more, lol.
I've heard of ducklings dying from eating pet hair. Something like they cant digest it. You may want to keep him from chewing on yours.

He is adorable. Glad he found a good home

I found this picture while looking for pictures of goslings. He is extra adorable!.. Sounds like he was really lucky to have found such a good mommy. Have you gotten him a stuffed animal for his crate?...

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