Orpington attacked by dog

Ga Chicken Mom

12 Years
Jul 24, 2007
One of my buff orps was attacked by a dog this evening. She is 10 weeks old and healthy. Luckily the dog didn't know to go for her throat but caused a large wound on her tail area. Her skin is ripped and I think her oil gland is destroyed. I debrided as much as the wound as possible, used diluted hydrogen peroxide liberally and cut off damaged feathers. The wound is clean, she didn't bleed much and I don't think she is shocky. She is in a small cage by herself in the basement. I covered the cage and she has food and water. She has pooped twice and it looks normal. Every time I check her she is sitting quietly but can get up and move normally. I think if she makes it through the night she will be OK for the time being. I'm worried about infection though. I think there is a vet who is opened tomorrow in the morning. Of course bad things always happen to my animal family on weekends and holidays.
My flock consists of 3 buff orpingtons, 3 rhode island reds and 3 dominiques, all are hens. They are part of the family and will live out their lives with us even after they are done laying eggs. The girls are my first chickens and I never thought I would become so attached to them! I feel very bad as it was my fault the dog got to her. The miniature dachshound belongs to my son and his wife. They came to visit and I let the dog out into the yard with my chickens. My flock lives peacefully with our 4 dobermans in a 3/4 acre fenced yard and the hens get locked up in a beautiful, very secure hen house every night. I just didn't think for a split second and the doxie was on my girl in a flash. Should she go to the vet in the AM and do you know of an antibiotic to help avoid infection? I don't think the vet can do more for her except give us some meds. I have experience working with animals as I was a Humane Society manager years ago and did lots of emergency work on many different species. Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated.
If it was me, I would flush the wound with a saline solution to clean it and perhaps apply Neosporin and a gauze dressing. I'd reflush it every day for a few days as well with mild saline. I can't say about the oil gland, that's beyond my area of expertise. I'm not sure about which antibiotic is recommended here. The mildest one is Terramycin and most feedstores carry it. Someone who has dealt with wounds like this should pop in and help soon. Little dogs are sometimes the worst for hassling chickens. My family raised Dobes for show when I was a kid-a wonderful breed and as you mentioned, great with your chickens.
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Thanks, Cynthia. I will definitely wash the wound again tomorrow and use saline as I think the hydrogen peroxide is too strong to continue using it. So far so good, my hen seems to be resting peacefully. We'll probably take her to the vet tomorrow although I don't know if he has any experience with chickens.
Yes, the Dobes are wonderful, three of mine are over 9 years and the baby is 15 months. All have been in the show ring and they are the best in temperament and personality. I have had no trouble with them and the chickens. The Dobes know that the chickens belong to mom and wouldn't hurt them. I don't let them out together all day; especially not when we're away, the Dobes are in the house and the chicks in the yard. I know that chickens are way down on the pecking order when it comes to prey species but I didn't think I would become so fond of them. I will have a tough time sleeping tonight after such a nasty attack and worrying about my hurt girl.
Don't blame yourself. These things happen and always will. Chickens are

What makes you think the dog got her oil gland?
I agree with you on the peroxide. I've not had to deal with actual wounds other than a nasty bumblefoot infection one of my girls just has never been able to shake and a nurse friend was advising me on that along the way. I hope this goes well for your hurt baby girl.
The wound is a ripping injury. There was a yellow bean shaped piece of tissue at the top of her tail area. I don't think it was a piece of fat as it was very well defined. Looked like a small gland to me. Thanks for the understanding but I feel so bad she was traumatized. My girls have been so healthy and happy up till this eveving.
Give her time. She will be ok.

I know saying don't feel bad isn't gonna help much but if you search
this forum your gonna find lots of awesome folks who have had
unfortunate things happen to their chickens. Things happen.

My chickens knocked a piece of wood over on one of my Silkies
the other day. It was pinned under it for a while. When I found
her she was a still fluffball. My heart stopped when I found her.
I shook her and she got up like nothing happened. I can't believe
she survived it. I would have blamed myself since I left that wood there
and should have known better. I think you get my point.
Thanks for your help. I'm going to check on my girl once more and try to get some sleep. I don't know how long she will have to be isolated from her flock assuming that she heals OK. I hope she won't have a problem fitting back into the pecking order. Darn, I'm afraid this will be a nightmare filled night.
Chickens like all animals are tough. You did the right thing (Cleaned the wound, separated (sp I HATE SPELLING!!) the animals from the others, plenty of food/water.)

The nice thing about a dog bite is that they tend to be clean, few germs or aggressive bacteria (People used to let dogs lick their wounds to clean them). A human bite I would worry about, we have one of the most vile mouths (Komodo Dragon taking the cake of course) when it comes to bacteria and germs.

Feed, Water and Love is what you can give your bird at the moment. Only time will tell how it does. Now it is a waiting game.


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