Our Barn Kitties are Here!


Jan 20, 2020
Southeastern PA
My Coop
My Coop
Well, we have 3 new additions to our farm family! Please welcome Rooster, Periwinkle, and Billie (as named by my daughters)! They are going to be making our barn their home and helping us out with rodent control. We are so excited to have them with us. They are going to be in their cages in the barn for 3 weeks to help them understand that this is their home now and where they are given all the good food and treats. Right now, they are still nervous, but hopefully, they will feel more comfortable every day. I'll update on their progress in the days ahead. Happy Caturday everyone!


Aww. These three came to us from a forgotten cats program. They are semi-feral and wouldn't have worked out as indoor/pet cats so now they will be working cats! They are all still pretty young, under a year so I'm hoping that they will have an easier time adjusting to their new digs.
Update: Our kitties are doing great! We've had them now for a little over a month. After they were here 3 weeks, we opened up the cages and they were free to roam on our property. They are so happy! You can tell they love being outside and living in our barn. We love watching them hunt and climb. They are very slowly getting a little less afraid of us, but it's a process. I've attached some recent photos.


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