Our chicks hate us?

We shouldn't expect too much too soon. My girls had a rough youth in a cage in the garage that was too small and too much light so they could stay warm. Now that the run and coop are finished, they have a pampered life and they like me. They still do not want to be picked up and held, but that's alright. They come out of the coop whenever I step into the backyard. I talk to them and they show curiosity about everything I do. Soon I HOPE! they will start giving me eggs to begin paying me back for such devotion.

Give it time.
Baby chicks come to you with about 3 brain cells, functioning. Eat, poop, sleep. They haven't developed a sense of self defense.
As they get older, they become more aware of their surroundings and it's like getting to know you, all over again.
But they do get to know you. They develop brain cell numbers 4 and 5, which changes them into a curious creature and they attach to their keepers.
About the time they develop brain cells, numbers 6 and 7, they even get smart. And smart aleck-y. I.E. drinking your coffee, while you're not looking.
Just remember your kids once feared nothing, then went through a stage of crying at the sight of every stranger. They'll get over it.
My now grown barred rocks, golden comets, black sex-links, and EEs all hated me as chicks. Now they tolerate me but still never want to be picked up. They will let me pet them on the roost though.

On the other hand, my new group of chicks, which consists of 27 Wyandottes, 2 EEs and 1 SSH, is very different. These ones now charge the door of the dog crate that they are in, in my garage, when I come to see them. They stick there heads through the wire and help me push the door open after I unlatch it. They are at 6 weeks old and they want all the attention they can get from me. When they were inside in brooder boxes though only half of them wanted anything to do with me and the other half would run to the far end of the brooder and squawk like I was killing them if I picked them up.

I think each chick is different and each brood is different.

Just keep loving your chickies and hopefully they will love you back. If not you will just have to get more (See, I'm giving you a valid excuse to go get more!)
I've got a mixed bag here (friendly, aloof, scared out of their wits) and have been wondering myself if certain breeds are friendlier, etc, or if it's really just each individual chicks personality.
I have 25 three week olds. One of my BLRW's is a DOLL. She loves to sit on my arm and flies up to my shoulder and settles in there. Two Black Australorps are also incredibly friendly and fly up out of the brooder when I take the screen off the top. The look at me and then fly right up onto my arm.
The Partridge Rocks all run screaming like I'm Godzilla coming to crush them.
The Buff Orp's are half n half - friendly but cautious/run screaming.
Silver Laced W's seem curious and will approach. One fly's up to see me, but only one.
I find it all fascinating. The friendly birds are becoming my favorites and I dote on them. I'm dying to find out which are the hens and which are the roos. I think I can tell a few of them, but who knows?
Sometimes I think that part of the reason for the extreme reactions of the little one in the brooder is because we come at them from above, they have that natural fear/flight reaction to anything coming from the "sky" to keep them safe from hawks etc.. Firedove mentioned the behavior from the door of a dog crate vs. the reaction from a brooder... could the brooder have opened from above? Just a thought... maybe approaching from a lower point would help?
Its almost like kids when they are little they love you and hug and kiss you, then they reach the "independent age" and are a little rebelious. Then they get older and close to you again.
Don't give up on them. I have always done the high pitched Hi BAAAAAby thing and gave them treats upon arrival. Now they will come to that call.

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