Our Coop is 95 % Done!!!!! LOTS OF PICS

Hey do you have the plans to that you could post for me. I would apperciate it I have 5 silkieeggs in the Bator right now and getting ready ro build a oop have my brooder all set up. I have been looking al day for plans for one and cant seem to find one so I was hpoing you could help me out?.
Hey do you have the plans to that you could post for me. I would apperciate it I have 5 silkie eggs in the Bator right now and getting ready to build a coop have my brooder all set up. I have been looking all day for plans for one and cant seem to find one so I was hoping you could help me out?.

Sorry repost of what I was writing I was typing pretty fast

Hi Silkelovr,

No I don't have any plans.

except for what you see in the first picture in chaulk on the drive way.... hee hee

I do have LOTS of pictures... kinda step by step.

If you are interested I could e-mail them to you.

I also looked and looked forever for plans but couldn't find any. Very frustrating! I ended up reading Storey's Guide to Rasing Chickens and took LOTS of notes from their coop design section.

Well, let me know if you want more pictures.... and good luck.
Thank you thechickenfarmer,

I really LOVED those coops!

Soo expensive tho.
Wish I had the money to buy one of those... But now I am very happy with what we came up with. I never thought it would look this good.

Thank you again!

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