Our first broody


6 Years
Apr 27, 2016
North Carolina
We have a bantam cochin that has decided to become broody. She has 3 eggs under her. She's been sitting on them for about 5 days now, maybe. We have checked them and two of them look viable and one does not. The issue we have is she has decided a pot we'd left in the coop is the best place to sit on these eggs. I put pine shavings in it for her so she'd have something soft to sit on. However, somehow, she keeps pushing one or more of the eggs out of the pot. They end up all over the coop floor. We don't know why she's doing it or how she's doing it for that matter. One of the viable eggs was on the floor yesterday. We were gone all day so we have no idea how long it had been there. I put it back under her in hopes it would be ok. Any ideas on how to get her to stop or why she might be pushing the eggs out of the nest?
Probably just by accident, trying to get comfortable. I would put the pot somewhere safe, like a dog crate. She would probably be happier away from the others chickens. After a couple days, take the pot out of the picture.

Watch those eggs don't tumble out, though! Maybe remove some bedding so that she sits lower in the pot.
Yeah, maybe just an accident. The eggs end up scattered all over the coop floor though, not just right near the pot. Of course, other chickens could be moving them around after they fall out.
The pine shavings are probably only filling up about half the pot. I didn't think there would be any way for her to get the eggs up and over the remainder of the side of the pot but obviously she can. haha! I will remove some of the shavings and see how that goes.
We have a brooder we can put her in. I was trying to leave her in the coop so she won't lose her pecking order. She's the only bantam we have so she tends to be on the lower end of the pecking order anyway.
Well, after her chicks hatch, she won't be the only banty right? Those eggs may not be as viable as they once were after being kicked around. If all else fails, you could put day-old chicks under her at day 23. The problem is finding them this time of year.
Well, after her chicks hatch, she won't be the only banty right? Those eggs may not be as viable as they once were after being kicked around. If all else fails, you could put day-old chicks under her at day 23. The problem is finding them this time of year.
I have one bantam hen but two different eggs of bantam size. I think my salmon faverolle lays the other tiny egg. I've never been able to determine which one is her egg and which one isn't. She has two of the same small egg under her. They might be her eggs or they might not. I have no idea. In any case, only one of them seems to be viable. The other egg we definitely know is viable, you can see the blood vessels in it, is an easter egger egg. So I don't know if she'll be the only bantam or not. haha! We had a bantam rooster but the hawk got him. :(
On this same topic. I'm working with my first broody hatch. I've incubated my own but I let my Cochin go for it. Set 13 eggs under her. Day 10 only 12 eggs. No evidence of the MIA egg. She is alone in a smaller coop. Currently on Day 16. Yesterday sitting on 12. Today down to 11. Does a broody know if an egg is no good and "dispose" of it, or do I have a predator? Snakes usually eat more than one. A rat? She a big bird. Fiesty and protective of her space. Thank you!

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