Our First Flock


May 1, 2018
They've had a fun time playing outside, and didn't want to be caught to have a photo shoot! The Gold Comets and Barred Rocks are older than the others by a week or two! Here's each chick with a name to go along with it :)

  • 7 Golden Comets (All Females, Names: Betty, Renegade, Penelope, Persephone, Sunny, Dumpling, and Ophelia -my favorite-)
  • 4 Barred Rocks (Females, Names: Bryce, Edith, Raven, and Styx)
  • 2 Silver Sebrights (Unknown sex, leaning towards 1 male, 1 female, Names: Nike and Athena)
  • 1 Polish Bantam (Probably Male, Name: Rocky)
  • 3 Silver Lace Wyandotte (Females, Names: Birdie, Lace, Morganna)
  • 2 Australorps (Females, Names: Guinevere, Nimea)
  • 2 Silkies (Females, Names: Buffy and Angel)
  • 2 Orpingtons (Females, Names: Willow and Terra)
  • 1 Unknown Breed, (Unknown sex, Name: Harley)
A&N.JPG Athena and Nike.JPG This is Athena and Nike! :love Athena is standing in the first picture! In the last, Nike is on the left! We call them the twins :D
B+A 2.JPG These are our two Silkies. They're Buffy (left) and Angel (right)
Betty.JPG This is Betty
Birdie.JPG Here is baby Birdie! Not as little as the twins (Athena + Nike), but still kinda small!
Bryce.JPG This is Bryce, she didn't want to be held this day, haha
Edith.JPG This is Edith, she's the second largest so far, only Styx is larger
Guinevere.JPG This is Guinevere! She's so sweet
Harley.JPG This is Harley, she/he is the only one we aren't sure what breed!
Lace.JPG This is Lace, she also didn't want to hold still, thus, this is the best picture I got of her :hmm
Morganna from Above.JPG Morganna.JPG This is Morganna! She's particularly calm for these pictures, normally she won't let you hold her that easily
Nimea.JPG This is Nimea, curious little chicky
Ophelia.JPG This is my darling Ophelia! Her and the twins are my favorites :love:D
Penelope.JPG Penelope
Persephone.JPG Persephone
Raven.JPG Raven, we think either her or Edith will be the boss
Renegade.JPG Renegade
Rocky From Behind.JPG Rocky.JPG This is Rocky, we think he's a little Rooster! He struts his stuff all the time, haha. He's a Polish Bantam
Styx.JPG This is Styx, she is the largest of our chickens, and only getting bigger each day!
Terra.JPG Terra, my sister's beloved Orpington
Willow.JPG Willow, the other beloved Orpington!
Sunny.JPG Seems I forgot Sunny, poor Sunny!

And, that's all of them we have! Plenty of chicks to go around. The bigger ones (Barred Rocks and Golden Comets) love to go outside and scratch around, the little ones are content to stay inside, except Rocky. He loves to go outside and follow the big girls around.:wee
d’Uccles have a beard, Booted Bantams don’t. Either way she’s going to be a friendly little layer of white eggs. I’ve got a porcelain d’Uccle and she’s my only hen that enjoys being petted.
Yay! I love friendly chickens!
I'm trying to make the twins friendly as well, though Athena cries when she can't see any other chicken and Nike just struts around and leaves Athena in the dust.

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